The Deafness & Alex D'Elia

Comprised of:

  1. The Deafness Group, Began: in
  2. Alex D'Elia Person, Born: in

Releases (1)



  1. Bela Lugosi's Dead 08 May 2009

Recordings (5)

  1. Bela Lugosi's Dead (Cyberpunkers remix) 6:16 (08 May 2009)
  2. Bela Lugosi's Dead (Alex D'Elia & Nihil Young remix) 7:03 (08 May 2009)
  3. Bela Lugosi's Dead (Gary Caos remix) 7:22 (08 May 2009)
  4. Bela Lugosi's Dead (Patrizio Mattei remix) 6:41 (08 May 2009)
  5. Bela Lugosi's Dead (Purple Lips remix) 6:10 (08 May 2009)