Johann Sebastian Bach ; Christopher Herrick

Comprised of:

  1. Johann Sebastian Bach Male Person, Born: 21 Mar 1685 in Eisenach , Died: 28 Jul 1750 in Leipzig
  2. Christopher Herrick Male Person, Born: 23 May 1942 in

Releases (13)



  1. Trio Sonatas May 1990
  2. Toccatas and Fugues Dec 1990
  3. Partitas and Canonic Variations Feb 1992
  4. The Great Fantasias, Preludes and Fugues Oct 1993
  5. Orgelbüchlein Oct 1994
  6. The Italian Connection May 1995
  7. Wachet auf! The Schübler, Leipzig and Kirnberger Chorales Apr 1996
  8. Organ Miniatures Jun 1997
  9. The Clavierübung Chorales Jan 1999
  10. Organ Cornucopia Jul 1999
  11. The Neumeister Chorales Jan 2000
  12. Bach Attributions Oct 2000

Album - Compilation

  1. The Complete Organ Music of Johann Sebastian Bach Oct 2002