Gurre-Lieder, Part I: no. 2: "Nun dämpft die Dämm'rung jeden Ton" (Waldemar) by Yvonne Minton, BBC Singers, Jess Thomas, Kenneth Bowen, Goldsmith's Choral Union, BBC Symphony Chorus, Marita Napier, Siegmund Nimsgern, Günter Reich, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Pierre Boulez

First released: 01 Jul 1993, Length: 4:32

Creators (15)


  1. Pierre Boulez (26 Oct 1974)


  1. BBC Symphony Orchestra (26 Oct 1974)


  1. BBC Singers (26 Oct 1974) choir vocals
  2. BBC Symphony Chorus (26 Oct 1974) choir vocals
  3. Goldsmiths Choral Union (26 Oct 1974) choir vocals
  4. Günter Reich (26 Oct 1974) spoken vocals
  5. Jess Thomas (26 Oct 1974) tenor vocals
  6. Kenneth Bowen (26 Oct 1974) tenor vocals
  7. Marita Napier (26 Oct 1974) soprano vocals
  8. Siegmund Nimsgern (26 Oct 1974) bass vocals
  9. Yvonne Minton (26 Oct 1974) mezzo-soprano vocals


  1. Paul Myers


Recorded At

  1. West Ham Central Mission (26 Oct 1974)
  2. West Ham Central Mission (07 Nov 1974 - 08 Nov 1974)
  3. West Ham Central Mission (06 Dec 1974)

Works (1)

Recording Of

  1. Gurre-Lieder: Part I: Waldemar: "Nun dämpft die Dämmrung jeden Ton" (26 Oct 1974)


    1. Arnold Schönberg

Releases containing this recording (3)



  1. Gurre-Lieder / 4 Songs, op. 22 01 Jul 1993 Schoenberg; Pierre Boulez, Marita Napier, Yvonne Minton, Jess Thomas, Siegmund Nimsgern, Kenneth Bowen, Günter Reich, BBC Symphony Orchestra

Album - Compilation

  1. Pierre Boulez Conducts Schoenberg 2013 Arnold Schönberg; Pierre Boulez, Ensemble InterContemporain, BBC Singers & BBC Symphony Orchestra
  2. The Complete Columbia Album Collection 17 Oct 2014 Pierre Boulez