Messiah: There were shepherds; And lo, the angel of of the Lord; And the angel said unto them; And suddenly there was with the angel by George Frideric Handel, Elizabeth Gale, Marjana Lipovšek, Werner Hollweg, Roderick Kennedy, Stockholms kammarkör, Concentus Musicus Wien & Nikolaus Harnoncourt

First released: 1983, Length: 1:33

Creators (2)


  1. Nikolaus Harnoncourt


  1. Concentus Musicus Wien

Releases containing this recording (1)



  1. Messiah (Nikolaus Harnoncourt) 1983 George Frideric Handel, Elizabeth Gale, Marjana Lipovšek, Werner Hollweg, Roderick Kennedy, Stockholms kammarkör, Concentus Musicus Wien & Nikolaus Harnoncourt original 80s 3 CD release