I am so tempted to sample one of my really loud belches right now, stick it in an audio file upload it to a P2P site and call it something ridiculous and submit it here. Im guessing since a "release is a release" and the content does not matter it would be perfectly valid. I could call myself Bollox Shit and call my label Rubbish Junk. I mean seriously that would probably count as valid audio according to some of the comments here. Hell I could call the release 'This Is Me Trolling Discogs' and it would probably still be acceptable to some people.
The Erogē Fanatic
First released: 23 Jun 2015,
Length: ?:??
Releases containing this recording (1)
Discogs 卐 Fascists ~ The Reinterpretation & Aftermath
23 Jun 2015
The Erogē Fanatic