Die Zauberflöte: Act II. »Du also bist mein Bräutigam?« (Pamina, Die drei Knaben) by English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner

First released: 01 Aug 1996, Length: 3:43

Creators (12)


  1. Sir John Eliot Gardiner (Jul 1995)


  1. English Baroque Soloists (Jul 1995)


  1. Alison Bury (Jul 1995)


  1. Marco Zambelli (Jul 1995) glockenspiel, fortepiano


  1. Andreas Dieterich (Jul 1995) treble vocals
  2. Christiane Oelze (Jul 1995) soprano vocals
  3. Florian Wöller (Jul 1995) treble vocals
  4. Jan Andreas Mendel (Jul 1995) treble vocals


  1. Dr. Peter Czornyj executive
  2. Karl-August Naegler

Recording Engineer

  1. Gernot von Schultzendorff (Jul 1995)


Recorded At

  1. Forum am Schlosspark (Jul 1995)

Works (1)

Recording Of

  1. Die Zauberflöte: Akt II. No. 21 Finale „Bald prangt, den Morgen zu verkünden” … „Du also bist mein Bräutigam” (Drei Knaben, Pamina) (Jul 1995)


    1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1791)


    1. Emanuel Schikaneder

Releases containing this recording (6)



  1. Die Zauberflöte 01 Aug 1996 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
  2. Operas 1996 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner
  3. Die Zauberflöte 1996 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
  4. Operas 01 Jun 2011 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner
  5. Operas 2011 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner

Album - Compilation

  1. Complete Recordings on Archiv Produktion and Deutsche Grammophon 21 May 2021 Sir John Eliot Gardiner