Inane and Serene Savium

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 12, Length: 38:52, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 Animus Girl 3:13
2 Misanthrope 3:16
3 Krop På Autopilot / Aqqommodation Plus 4:16
4 Steena Luv? 2:39
5 Evading My Resurrection 3:35
6 Inane and Vast 3:28
7 Diekema 3:10
8 Stealth-Geek 4:07
9 Serene and Snide 3:05
10 Momentum of Mediocrity 1:13
11 Cacophony 3:58
12 Amiable Boy 2:52

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Inane and Serene, [Worldwide] (03 May 2007), Digital Media (English)