Swarming of the Maggots Xysma

Release: 1989 Finland, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 18, Length: 17:05, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Demo


1 Pulsating Cerebral Slime 1:23
2 Pulverized Necrobrains 1:27
3 Gripping Slaughter 0:38
4 Festering Sore 0:16
5 Procreated From Blood 1:42
6 Sudden Impulse 1:31
7 Unanaesthetic Genitoplasty 0:16
8 Fetid Gurgitation 0:08
9 Fleshsaw 1:12
10 Pathologists Perversities 0:24
11 Priests Fomented in Excrements 0:45
12 Charred Limbs 0:36
13 Drown Oneself 0:50
14 Burbed Rectum 2:27
15 Phrenetic Chainsaw Suicide 0:54
16 Evisceration 1:43
17 Vacant Mind 0:25
18 Deceiver 0:28

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Swarming of the Maggots, (2013), Cassette (English)