The Girl in the Purple Painting Gnomefoam

Release: 26 Jul 2008 , Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 13, Length: 32:28, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 F-Square Descent (Rockface) 1:46
2 Write It All Down! 2:41
3 @ the Painting, First Time 1:22
4 Rectollecht 2:38
5 Payments, Restraints (B) 3:02
6 Luscent//Lucid//Callout 2:54
7 Dreams Crackle and Hisst 2:25
8 Now She Calls It Squirrelcore 2:56
9 Couchcouch 1:01
10 Crushed Cube 2:37
11 One Day My Smoke (Hammerhit) 2:40
12 To Be Given the Glum Job 2:59
13 Viktorize, Ezkapize 3:27