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Supply & Demand Dagmar Krause

Release: 15 Mar 1999 United Kingdom, Language: German, Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 26, Length: 1:8:41, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


1 Song Von der Ware 2:58
2 Grabrede 1919 2:00
3 Deutsche Miserere 1:40
4 O Falladah, Die du Hangest! 2:43
5 Alabama-Song 2:51
6 Hollywood Elegies 2:58
7 Surabaya Johnny 3:58
8 Moritat (Ballade Von Mackie Messer) 2:40
9 Barbara-Song 3:57
10 Kanonen-Song 2:10
11 Matrosen-Tango 3:59
12 Die Ballade Von der Höllenlili 2:26
13 Das Lied Von der Moldau 1:42
14 Im Gefängnis Zu Singen 3:01
15 Ostersonntag 1935 1:24
16 Zu Potsdam 'Unter Den Eichen' 2:24
17 Der Song Von Mandelay 2:14
18 Benares-Song 4:23
19 Supply & Demand 2:57
20 Epitaph 1918 2:00
21 German Miserere 1:40
22 Surabaya Johnny 3:59
23 Song of the Moldau 1:40
24 Pavel's Prison Song 3:00
25 Easter Sunday 1935 1:25
26 In Potsdam 'Unter Den Eichen' 2:21

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. Supply & Demand, United Kingdom (1986), CD ([Multiple languages])
  2. Angebot & Nachfrage, Germany (1986), 12" Vinyl (German)

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