Towards the Blaze of Perdition Blaze of Perdition

Release: 01 May 2010 Poland, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 9, Length: 43:47, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 156 2:05
2 Misterium Kliffoth 5:02
3 Kénôme 5:00
4 The Scarlet Woman 5:13
5 Alchemy of Flesh 4:32
6 Son of Dawn 3:43
7 Królestwo Twoje 4:23
8 The Great Work 7:58
9 Towards the Blaze of Perdition 5:51

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. Towards the Blaze of Perdition, [Worldwide] (01 Oct 2011), 12" Vinyl ([Multiple languages])
  2. Towards the Blaze of Perdition, [Worldwide] (2011), Cassette ([Multiple languages])
  3. Towards the Blaze of Perdition, [Worldwide] (2013), CD ([Multiple languages]) Remixed, Remastered
  4. Towards the Blaze of Perdition, [Worldwide] (2013), CD ([Multiple languages]) Remixed, Remastered

Links (1)

