America's Most Wanted Minch

Release: 1992 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: 7" Vinyl, Tracks: 10, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: EP


7" Vinyl #1
1 Pathetic Poetic Pasta Salad (Indulge in the Salad Bar of Sin) ?:??
2 Go Gotta Wee ?:??
3 Pissed China Man Attack ?:??
4 Minjitsu ?:??
5 Whu Flung Poo ?:??
6 Chopp Suewee ?:??
7 Me Grasshopper ?:??
8 Big Trouble in Little China ?:??
9 Little Bastard in Min-China Cabnet ?:??
10 A Vacuum of Evangelism (Don't Get Sucked In!) ?:??