My Little PonY RocK! Claire Anne Carr

Release: 20 Jan 2012 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 18, Length: 1:23:09, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 Giggle at the Ghostly Rock! 4:44
2 Evil Enchantress Rock? 4:15
3 The Parasprite Cumbia! 2:42
4 Winter Wrap Up Rock! 4:48
5 Call Upon the Sea Ponies Rock! 3:16
6 Art of the Dress Rock! 5:21
7 Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Rock! 5:04
8 Flutterwonder Rock! 4:44
9 Find a Pet Rock! 4:41
10 At the Gala Rock! 5:00
11 Giggle at the Ghostly Rock! [instrumental] 4:17
12 Evil Enchantress Rock? [instrumental] 4:16
13 Winter Wrap Up Rock! [instrumental] 4:52
14 Art of the Dress Rock! [instrumental] 5:23
15 Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Rock! [instrumental] 5:07
16 Flutterwonder Rock! [instrumental] 4:45
17 Find a Pet Rock! [instrumental] 4:45
18 At the Gala Rock! [instrumental] 5:00