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8cm CD

Altered States of America / ANbRX Pharmaceuticals II Agoraphobic Nosebleed

Release: 08 Oct 2008 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 128, Length: 42:38, Barcode: 781676702329
Release type: Other


CD #1
Wonder Drug Wonderland 1:47
1 Spreading the Dis-Ease 0:56
2 Ark of Ecoterrorism 0:13
3 Living Lolita Blowjob 0:12
4 Thawing Out 0:15
5 The Need for Better Body Armor 0:09
6 Freeze-Dried Cemetery 0:20
7 Children Blown to Bits by the Busload 0:12
8 Scoring in Heaven 0:13
9 Fuck Your Soccer Jesus 0:05
10 Guided Tour 0:22
11 Honky Dong 0:08
12 Famous Last Words 0:18
13 Osaka Milk Bar 0:17
14 Drive by Blowjob on a Bicycle 0:12
15 Ten Pounds of Remains 0:07
16 Utter Mental Retardation and Reversal of Man 0:15
17 Neotropolis Euphoria 0:08
18 Snitch Olympics 0:16
19 Crawling Out of the Cradle Into the Casket 0:15
20 Removing Locator Tooth 0:06
21 Aum Shinrikyo 0:04
22 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 0:04
23 The Tokyo Subway Gassing 0:04
24 The Star of David 0:04
25 Shintaro Ishihara and the Rape of Nanking in World War 2 0:05
26 Mahikari 0:12
27 Micro-Tidal Wave 0:04
28 Crop Dusting 0:12
29 LSD as a Chemical Weapon 0:14
30 Illegal Manufacture 0:08
31 Drugging the Control Group 0:10
32 Alice in La La Land 0:04
33 Apocalypse as Mescaline Experience 0:10
34 The Artifical Religious Experience 0:06
35 The First Day of Sodom: Pussy Hair Prayer Rug 0:05
36 The Second Day of Sodom: Distortion in Eden 0:04
37 The Third Day of Sodom: Serpent of the Gay Pride Rainbow 0:04
38 The Fourth Day of Sodom: Snaking Adam's Black Apple 0:04
39 The Fifth Day of Sodom: Like a Cretin on Christmas Eve 0:04
40 The Sixth Day of Sodom: Boston Hardcore Caligula 0:05
41 The Seventh Day of Sodom: Fantasizing Hydrahead 0:07
42 The Eight Day of Sodom: Lamb of the Rotisserie God 0:04
43 The Ninth Day of Sodom: Holiday Bowl Full of Asshole 0:04
44 The Tenth Day of Sodom: Enter the House of Feasting 0:05
45 The Eleventh Day of Sodom: Passing Blunts and Cunts at Relapse 0:05
46 The Twelfth Day of Sodom: When Taking a Shit Feels Sexy 0:07
47 Poland Springfield Acidbag 0:19
48 Rectal Thermometer 0:11
49 Lemonade and a Snickers Bar 0:05
50 Necro-Cannibalistic Tendencies in Young Children 0:08
51 Bombs With Butterfly Wings 0:09
52 Watching a Clown Point a Gun at a Small Dog (reprise) 0:16
53 Mosquito Holding Human Cattle Prod 0:24
54 For Just Ten Cents a Day... 0:25
55 Mental Change(s): Altered Consciousness 0:06
56 Radical Modernism 0:04
57 Human Enhancement 0:04
58 Juxtaposed Impacts 0:04
59 Unprecedented Experiment 0:38
60 Transparent Enclosure 0:09
61 Bong Hit Wonder 0:08
62 Opening to Personals AD by Richard Johnson 0:14
63 Relapse Refusing U.N. Weapons Inspectors 0:09
64 Neural Linguistic Programming 0:12
65 The Fag vs. The Indian 0:05
66 Black Metal Transvestite 0:18
67 Debbie Does Dishes 0:04
68 Marine Pornography (For Whale Cock Skateboards) 0:18
69 Keeping a Clean Kennel 0:04
70 Baby Mill, Part 1 (Born and Sold Into Child Slavery) 0:07
71 Firearms for All Faiths 0:12
72 Domestic Solution 0:04
73 Definition of Death 0:39
74 Discolored 0:10
75 Scott Hulk on Intramuscular Steroids 0:09
76 4 Leeches (40,000 Leeches) 0:55
77 Group Taking Acid as Considered Conspiracy Against the Government 0:06
78 Small Room and a Six-Pack 0:06
79 Deviant Arousal 0:06
80 Unbound by Civilized Properties 0:08
81 They All Burned! 0:12
82 Shotgun Funeral 0:04
83 Homophobic Assbleed 0:05
84 Exacting Revenge on Pets 0:08
85 Baby Mill, Part 2 (White Russian) 0:07
86 Narcoterrorist Megalomaniac 0:25
87 Releasing a Dove From a Ghetto Rooftop 0:08
88 Bipartisan Buttfuck 0:14
89 Bent Over the Cross 0:25
90 A Chance at Reprisal 0:15
91 Altered Ego 0:17
92 Pin the Tail on the Donkey 0:21
93 Latter Day Mormon Ritual 0:18
94 5 Band Genetic Equalizer, Part 3 0:21
95 Absurd Boast 0:10
96 Burning Social Interest 0:11
97 Whore Torn Vet 0:10
98 Obi Wan Kaczynski 0:12
99 Placing a Personal Memo on the Boss's Desk 0:13
CD #2
1 Pounding Grandma's Sniz Rectal Anarchy 0:05
2 ANB Suppository Rectal Anarchy 0:11
3 DJ Rectal Anarchy 1:41
4 Gratification of the Asshole Rectal Anarchy 0:11
5 Total Fucking Rectal Anarchy 0:58
6 Delta 9 Is Rectal Anarchy 1:10
7 In Rehab for Addiction to Rectal Anarchy 0:18
8 Tossin' Dick Johnson's Salad Rectal Anarchy 0:31
9 Anarchy in the A.S. OA. Rectal Anarchy 1:01
10 Lenny Dee Butter Burger Rectal Anarchy 1:10
11 Mouth Full After Mouth Full of Rectal Anarchy 0:06
12 Twelve Days of Rectal Anarchy 0:23
13 From Enslavement to Rectal Anarchy 0:47
14 ANB = Death Rectal Anarchy 0:16
15 Invitation to Rectal Anarchy 0:24
16 Your Bitch Is a Bitch Nigga Rectal Anarchy 0:33
17 Liquid Acid Enema Rectal Anarchy 1:19
18 Another Tortured Witness of Rectal Anarchy 1:33
19 Bad Earache Records Deal Rectal Anarchy 1:12
20 Scream Bloody Gore Beyond Necropsy Rectal Anarchy 0:16
21 Seventies Mondo Cinema Rectal Anarchy 0:49
22 The Future Is Rectal Anarchy 1:43
23 On the Whitehouse Lawn Rectal Anarchy 1:15
24 Slamming Your Cock in a Casket Rectal Anarchy 0:24
25 Population Control Is Rectal Anarchy 0:49
26 Jumpin' Yourself in the Shower Rectal Anarchy 0:57
27 Nutz in the Ass, Dick in the Pussy Rectal Anarchy 0:47
28 Shut Down for Unlawful Sodomy Rectal Anarchy 0:07

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Altered States of America, United States (01 Apr 2003), CD (English)
  2. Altered States of America, United States (2003), 8cm CD (English) 3" mini-CD
  3. Altered States of America (Deluxe Edition), [Worldwide] (03 Jun 2011), Digital Media (English) bandcamp

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