Metaphysis Psycoded

Release: 05 Feb 2009 Russia, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 22, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - DJ-mix


Digital Media #1
1 Intro ?:??
2 Structure One and Visiting Two (2 Part) ?:??
3 Steppenwolf ?:??
4 Mountain Raid ?:??
5 Axis ?:??
6 Acido Lisérgico ?:??
7 Fortran ?:??
8 Der Schuffle Waffle Deep ?:??
9 Laying on the Ground ?:??
10 Roomservice (Maas mix) ?:??
11 Codigo de Barras ?:??
12 Klangflut ?:??
13 The Return of Wolves ?:??
14 Workaholic, Part 4 (Acid mix) ?:??
15 Utopia ?:??
16 Herbie (Christian Bloch remix) ?:??
17 Death & Destruction ?:??
18 Red Light District ?:??
19 Motive ?:??
20 Sinking Ship ?:??
21 Spit ?:??
22 Máv (live 2005) ?:??

Links (1)

