Chamber Music of Mozart Robert Greenberg

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 16, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other - Spokenword


Digital Media #1
1 A Blessing of Inconceivable Richness ?:??
2 "The Hunt" ?:??
3 "The Hunt", Part 2 ?:??
4 The Flute Quartet in D Major ?:??
5 Vienna ?:??
6 Haydn and Inspiration ?:??
7 Exclusively for His Friends ?:??
8 Duos for Violin and Viola ?:??
9 Not Just a Pretty Face ?:??
10 Blowin’ in the Winds ?:??
11 The Piano Trios ?:??
12 The Piano Quartets ?:??
13 String Quartet in a Major, K. 464 ?:??
14 The String Quintets ?:??
15 Dissonance — Musical and Financial ?:??
16 Basset Horns and Harmonicas ?:??