Era of the Crusades Kenneth W. Harl

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 36, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other - Spokenword


Digital Media #1
1 The Heirs of Rome ?:??
2 Byzantine Orthodox Civilization ?:??
3 Byzantine Zenith in the Macedonian Age ?:??
4 The Failure of the Heirs of Basil II ?:??
5 Abbasid Baghdad and Fatimid Egypt ?:??
6 The Coming of the Seljuk Turks ?:??
7 The Recovery of Western Europe ?:??
8 Kings and Princes of Western Europe ?:??
9 Warfare in Western Europe ?:??
10 The Papacy and Religious Reform ?:??
11 Piety and Pilgrimage ?:??
12 Christian Offensives in Spain and Sicily ?:??
13 Alexius I and the First Crusade ?:??
14 From Clermont to Jerusalem ?:??
15 Conquest and Defense of Outremer ?:??
16 Frankish Settlement of Outremer ?:??
17 Comnenian Emperors and Crusader Princes ?:??
18 The Second Crusade ?:??
19 The Empire at Bay ?:??
20 The Rise of Saladin ?:??
21 Byzantine Recovery Under the Comnenians ?:??
22 A Renaissance of Byzantine Letters and Arts ?:??
23 Trade and Currency in the Mediterranean ?:??
24 Cultural Exchange in Gothic Europe ?:??
25 The Horns of Hattin ?:??
26 The Third Crusade ?:??
27 From Jerusalem to Constantinople ?:??
28 The Sack of Constantinople ?:??
29 The World of Frankish Greece ?:??
30 Splinter Empires and Orthodox Princes ?:??
31 Ayyubid Egypt and Seljuk Anatolia ?:??
32 Crusader Cyprus and the Levant ?:??
33 Venice and Genoa ?:??
34 The Mongols and the Legend of Prester John ?:??
35 The Royal Crusaders ?:??
36 The Passing of the Crusades ?:??