Rome and the Barbarians Kenneth W. Harl

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 36, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other - Spokenword


Digital Media #1
1 Greek and Roman Views of Barbarians ?:??
2 The Roman Republic ?:??
3 Roman Society ?:??
4 The Roman Way of War ?:??
5 Celtic Europe and the Mediterranean World ?:??
6 The Conquest of Cisalpine Gaul ?:??
7 Romans and Carthaginians in Spain ?:??
8 The Roman Conquest of Spain ?:??
9 The Genesis of Roman Spain ?:??
10 Jugurtha and the Nomadic Threat ?:??
11 Marius and the Northern Barbarians ?:??
12 Rome's Rivals in the East ?:??
13 The Price of Empire — The Roman Revolution ?:??
14 Julius Caesar and the Conquest of Gaul ?:??
15 Early Germanic Europe ?:??
16 The Nomads of Eastern Europe ?:??
17 Arsacid Parthia ?:??
18 The Augustan Principate and Imperialism ?:??
19 The Roman Imperial Army ?:??
20 The Varian Disaster ?:??
21 The Roman Conquest of Britain ?:??
22 Civil War and Rebellion ?:??
23 Flavian Frontiers and the Dacians ?:??
24 Trajan, the Dacians, and the Parthians ?:??
25 Romanization of the Provinces ?:??
26 Commerce Beyond the Imperial Frontiers ?:??
27 Frontier Settlement and Assimilation ?:??
28 From Germanic Tribes to Confederations ?:??
29 Goths and the Crisis of the Third Century ?:??
30 Eastern Rivals — Sassanid Persia ?:??
31 Rome and the Barbarians in the Fourth Century ?:??
32 From Foes to Federates ?:??
33 Imperial Crisis and Decline ?:??
34 Attila and the Huns ?:??
35 Justinian and the Barbarians ?:??
36 Birth of the Barbarian Medieval West ?:??