Reflection of Memory / Odsev spomina Jure Tori & Ewald Oberleitner

Release: 2006 Austria, Language: , Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 11, Length: 42:49, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 Reflection of Memory / Odsev spomina 5:42
2 Voyage of Life / Življenska pot 5:01
3 Spitzbub / Spic pob 3:02
4 Full House / Polna hiša 2:50
5 Flying Pig / Leteči pujs 2:44
6 Just Go to Sleep / Le zaspi 4:04
7 Glide / Polet 4:22
8 Dance of Trees / Ples dreves 3:11
9 A Light in the Darkness / Sijaj v temi 5:41
10 Bee Sting / Čebelji pik 2:04
11 At the Window / Ob oknu 4:02