Колесо Учения / The Wheel of the Law (volume 1) Антон Батагов

Release: 2002 United States, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 4, Length: 1:3:35, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Dus-Kyi Khor-Lo / Circle of Time / Круг Времени 1 15:48
2 Dus-Kyi Khor-Lo / Circle of Time / Круг Времени 2 15:53
3 Dus-Kyi Khor-Lo / Circle of Time / Круг Времени 3 15:53
4 Dus-Kyi Khor-Lo / Circle of Time / Круг Времени 4 16:01

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Колесо Учения / The Wheel of the Law, Russia (2002), CD + CD + CD ([Multiple languages])
  2. Колесо Учения / The Wheel of the Law (volume 2), United States (2002), ([Multiple languages])
  3. Колесо Учения / The Wheel of the Law (volume 3), United States (2002), ([Multiple languages])