Italian Popular Songs by Luciano Virgili Luciano Virgili

Release: United States, Language: Italian, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 12, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Addio, signora! (Goodbye, Madam!) ?:??
A2 Piccola santa (Little Saint) ?:??
A3 Cara piccina (Little Darling) ?:??
A4 Fili d'oro (Golden Threads) ?:??
A5 Amor di pastorello (Love of a Shepard) ?:??
A6 Non ti scordar di me (Don't Forget Me) ?:??
B1 Vivere (To Live) ?:??
B2 Ladra (Thief) ?:??
B3 Portami tante rose (Bring Me Lots of Roses) ?:??
B4 Chiove (It Rains) ?:??
B5 Primo amore (First Love) ?:??
B6 Balocchi e profumi (Toys and Perfume) ?:??

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