Violent Swing Discography Warsore

Release: 2012 Australia, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 110, Length: 1:40:00, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Dole Cue, Fuck You 0:43
2 Air Attack 0:58
3 Crude SS Not D.S.S. 0:26
4 Vegetarian Barbarian 1:04
5 Melbourne Hillbillies 0:22
6 Jonny Rotten, Not Forgotten 0:17
7 Bottle Shops, Not Transit Cops 0:35
8 You Rape You Die 0:40
9 Melbourne Hillbillies 0:21
10 Voice of the Voiceless 0:28
11 I.M.F. 0:48
12 Warpaint 0:29
13 Industrial Suicide 0:30
14 Don't Settle for Death Metal 0:27
15 Six Million Slaughtered 0:38
16 Rampant Murder 0:57
17 Vegetarian Barbarian 0:24
18 Industrial Suicide 0:24
19 Burial Ground 1:02
20 Decomposed 0:17
21 Ritual Hate 0:51
22 Failed Species 0:44
23 Veg Barbarian 0:36
24 Substance Abuse 0:31
25 Social Parasite 0:41
26 Open Wound 0:47
27 Voice of the Voiceless 0:19
28 Crude Stench of Progress 0:32
29 Six Million Slaughtered 0:44
30 Warpaint 0:36
31 You Rape You Die 0:41
32 Don't Settle for Death Metal 0:22
33 Ritual Hate 0:53
34 Decomposed 0:27
35 Intro Morbid 0:41
36 Air Attack 1:01
37 Cops Make Good Targets 0:43
38 0.02 Seconds 0:27
39 Nauseatingricharseholes 0:42
40 Psychoschmatic 0:59
41 Failed Species 0:47
42 Corrosive 0:39
43 Burial Ground 0:52
44 Ritual Hate 0:47
45 Transit Cops 0:24
46 Thief 0:47
47 Outro 1:03
48 Sinking in Shit 1:19
49 Thief 0:37
50 Just Another Stab in the Back 0:50
51 Substance Abuse 0:30
52 Pathetic Waste of Time 0:39
53 Rampant Murder 0:43
54 Stop Posing and Kill Someone 1:12
55 Demoralized 0:35
56 Sensory Deprivation 0:48
57 Killing Field 0:56
58 Destroy All Monsters 0:58
59 Horrendous Bloody Experiments 0:41
60 Chronic Waste 0:46
61 Sociopath 0:38
62 Suicide Bomber 0:18
63 I.M.F. 1:21
64 Human Origin 1:09
65 Crayon Shin Chan 1:04
66 Nothing but Enemies 0:48
67 Lying in My Own Excrements 0:47
68 Faecal Gore Gore Attack 0:55
69 Sweating Blood 0:51
70 Confirmed Kills 0:34
71 World Under My Fingernail 0:36
72 Cops Make Good Targets 0:39
73 0.20 Seconds 0:22
74 Psychoscmatic 0:52
75 Corrosive 0:32
76 Thief 0:38
77 Sinking in Shit 0:39
78 Pathetic Waste of Time 0:44
79 Just Another Stab in the Back 0:39
80 Industrial Suicide 0:20
81 Failed Species 0:43
82 Slave Formation 1:29
83 Bitter End 0:57
84 Choking on Stress 0:48
85 Bastardized 1:10
86 Deathly Sick 0:50
87 Brutal Reprisal 1:17
88 Blunt Trauma 0:45
89 Demoralized 0:41
90 Chronic Waste 0:47
91 Open Wound 0:40
92 Pathetic Waste of Time 0:43
93 Destroy All Monsters 0:51
94 Sinking in Shit 0:45
95 Sociopath 0:31
96 Suicide Bomber 0:19
97 Substance Abuse 0:31
98 Vegetarian Barbarian 0:21
99 Sensory Deprivation 0:47
CD #2
1 Stegrat Doog Ekam Spoc 0:39
2 Sonoces 02.0 0:22
3 Citamcsohcysp 0:52
4 Evisorroc 0:32
5 Fieht 0:39
6 This Ni Gniknis 0:44
7 Emit Fo Etsaw Cithehtap 0:39
8 Kcab Eht Ni Bats Rehtona Tsuj 0:38
9 Edicius Lairtsudni 0:20
10 Seiceps Deliaf 0:39
11 Bonus Material 23:35

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. Violent Swing Discography, [Worldwide] (03 May 2015), Digital Media (English) bandcamp release
  2. Violent Swing Discography, Czechia (Jul 2016), 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl (English)

Links (1)

