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Doctor Who: The 50th Anniversary Collection Various Artists

Release: 09 Dec 2013 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 129, Length: 5:16:29, Barcode: 738572145026
Release type: Album - Compilation / Soundtrack


CD #1
1 Doctor Who (original theme) 2:20
2 Three Guitars Mood 2 2:03
3 TARDIS Takeoff 0:49
4 Forest Atmosphere 1:07
5 Forest With Creature 0:54
6 City Music 1 and 2 0:56
7 The Daleks 0:32
8 Dalek Control Room 0:34
9 The Ambush 2:00
10 Capsule Oscillation (Dalek Destructor Fuse / Bomb Countdown) 0:19
11 Explosion, TARDIS Stops 1:10
12 Sleeping Machine 0:52
13 Dalek Spaceship Lands 0:17
14 TARDIS Lands 0:11
15 Chumbley (Constant Run) 0:27
16 Chumbley at Rest 0:28
17 Marche 2:40
18 A Strange Sickness 0:44
19 Growing Menace 2:08
20 Excerpts From “The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon” 3:51
21 Space Adventure, Part 2 1:21
22 Heartbeat Chase 1:57
23 Chromophone Band 1:56
24 Propaganda Sleep Machine 1:08
25 Sideral Universe 2:26
26 Space Time Music, Part 1 1:21
27 Space Time Music, Part 2 1:19
28 Mr. Oak and Mr. Quill 0:39
29 Cyberman Stab & Music 1:32
30 Birth of Cybermats 0:44
31 Interior Rocket (suspense music) 1:55
32 Galaxy Atmosphere 1:04
33 Zoe’s Theme 1:20
34 The Dark Side of the Moon 0:31
35 The Company 1:31
36 Machine and City Theme 1:49
37 Kroton Theme 2:14
38 The Seeds of Death: Titles 0:35
39 Ice Warriors Music 0:26
40 Time Lord Court 1:32
41 Doctor Who (new opening, 1967 – full version) 2:20
42 The Master’s Theme 0:43
43 Hypnosis Music 0:36
44 Dover Castle 0:29
45 Keller Machine Appears and Vanishes 0:22
46 Keller Machine Theme 0:43
47 Copy Machine Tickover 0:16
48 The Axons Approach 1:45
49 Music From “The Sea Devils” 5:24
50 Music From “The Mutants” 7:12
51 Music From “Frontier in Space” Episode 1 1:46
52 Music From “Death to the Daleks” 3:50
53 Metebelis III Atmosphere 1:53
CD #2
1 Doctor Who Opening Title Theme 0:44
2 Nerva Beacon Infrastructure and T‐Mat Couch 1:42
3 Music From “Revenge of the Cybermen” 5:28
4 The Destruction of Charlie Rig 0:42
5 A Landing in Scotland 1:22
6 The Zygons Attack 0:51
7 Music From “The Android Invasion” Episodes 3 and 4 6:32
8 The Planet Karn 1:50
9 Antarctica: The First Pod 2:17
10 Get Dunbar! / Krynoid on the Loose 2:55
11 The Mandragora Helix 1:26
12 Music From “The Invasion of Time” Episodes 3 and 4 5:36
13 Doctor Who Closing Title Theme (1970) 1:15
14 Doctor Who 1980 (Opening Titles) 0:38
15 Into Argolis 1:44
16 Full Circle: K9 on a Mission 0:35
17 Nyssa’s Theme 0:41
18 It’s the End… 3:18
19 Doctor Who 1980 (Closing Titles) 1:16
20 Castrovalva (Suite) 3:18
21 Exploring the Lab 1:46
22 March of the Cybermen 5:13
23 Mawdryn Undead (Suite) 4:19
24 The Five Doctors (Suite) 5:29
25 Warriors of the Deep (Suite) 3:53
26 Resurrection of the Daleks (Suite) 5:01
27 The Caves of Androzani (alternative Suite) 6:07
28 Doctor Who Theme (1980 – full version) 2:42
CD #3
1 The Twin Dilemma (Suite) 4:04
2 The Mark of the Rani (Suite) 3:45
3 The Two Doctors (Suite) 3:15
4 Timelash (Suite) 5:51
5 Revelation of the Daleks (Suite) 3:53
6 Doctor Who (1986) 2:53
7 The Mysterious Planet (Suite) 3:21
8 Terror of the Vervoids (Suite) 2:44
9 The Ultimate Foe (Suite) 3:16
10 Doctor Who (1987) 2:38
11 Music From “Time and the Rani” 1:38
12 “Here’s to the Future” 1:57
13 Music From “Dragonfire” 3:02
14 Music From “Remembrance of the Daleks” 5:32
15 Music From “The Greatest Show in the Galaxy” 3:23
16 Music From “Battlefield” 4:41
17 Music From “The Curse of Fenric” 6:35
18 Music From “Survival” 5:28
19 “…and Somewhere Else, the Tea’s Getting Cold” 0:24
20 Prologue: Skaro / “Doctor Who” Theme 1:34
21 “Who Am I?” 1:55
22 The Chase (original version) 2:20
23 “Open the Eye” 2:25
24 Farewell 1:35
25 End Credits / “Doctor Who” Theme 0:49
CD #4
1 Doctor Who Theme – TV Version 0:42
2 Rose’s Theme 2:15
3 Doomsday 5:08
4 Donna’s Theme 3:16
5 The Doctor Forever 4:19
6 Martha’s Theme 3:42
7 All the Strange, Strange Creatures 4:07
8 Boe 3:44
9 This Is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home 3:18
10 Song of Freedom 2:51
11 The Master Suite 4:33
12 Four Knocks 3:58
13 Vale Decem 3:20
14 I Am the Doctor 4:03
15 The Mad Man With a Box 2:09
16 Amy’s Theme 2:08
17 Abigail’s Song (Silence Is All You Know) 4:43
18 Melody Pond 2:36
19 The Wedding of River Song 5:33
20 Towards the Asylum 2:25
21 Together or Not at All – the Song of Amy and Rory 3:17
22 Up the Shard 3:02
23 The Long Song 3:39

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Collection (Original Television Soundtrack), [Worldwide] (17 Dec 2013), CD + CD (English) Blue Label - Worldwide release
  2. Doctor Who: The 50th Anniversary Collection 1963–2013, United Kingdom (29 Sep 2014), CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD (English) "the eleven disc edition"; clamshell case
  3. Doctor Who: The 50th Anniversary Collection 1963–2013, United Kingdom (24 Nov 2014), CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD (English) "the Tardis edition"

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