Tiger Smells a Corpse Prurient

Release: Sep 2012 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette + Cassette + Cassette, Tracks: 6, Length: 1:35:03, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Cassette #1
A Different Ways of Seeing 15:56
B Awaiting Execution 15:56
Cassette #2
C Yosemite Fulfillment 15:41
D Dungeon at Seringapatam 15:56
Cassette #3
E The Tiger Is Peculiar to Asia 15:42
F Males Had Themselves Painted and Photographed With There Feet Firmly Planed on the Skin or the Carcass of a Dead Tiger 15:52

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Tiger Smells a Corpse, United States (Sep 2012), Digital Media (English)

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/3911074