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Out of Your Mind Alan Watts

Release: 01 Apr 2004 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 117, Length: 14:22:01, Barcode: 9781591791652
Release type: Other - Compilation / Spokenword / Live


CD #1
1 Introduction 1:06
2 Our Image of the World 6:18
3 The Myth of the Ceramic Construct 6:58
4 The Myth of the Automatic Universe 10:11
5 A Wiggly World 7:45
6 A Game That's Worth the Candle 7:53
7 An Independant System 7:37
8 Whose Game Is It 6:59
9 The World as a Drama 8:48
CD #2
1 Introduction 0:38
2 Being Aware of Awareness 6:07
3 Captivated by the Drama 11:00
4 The Game of Hide and Seek 10:01
5 Consciousness Beyond Our Separateness 7:09
6 How Do We Define Ourselves? 6:14
7 What It Is to See 10:14
8 The Road to Here 10:41
9 A Re-Examination of Common Sense 3:15
CD #3
1 Introduction 0:39
2 What Did You Forget? 8:03
3 A Spontaneous Life 5:04
4 Seeing Beyond Our Separateness 6:05
5 Intervals Between What Happens 7:11
6 Existence as a Function of Relationship 8:36
7 Understanding the Unitive World 8:23
8 An Implicit Agreement 4:55
9 To Be Aware of the Melody 8:26
CD #4
1 Introduction 0:38
2 Web as Mutuality 10:46
3 The Nature of Selfishness 8:42
4 A Perfectly Genuine Act 9:08
5 The Sound of Rain Needs No Translation 7:10
6 What Game Would You Like to Play 8:50
7 Is It Serious 8:58
8 An Invitation to Dance 10:28
CD #5
1 Introduction 0:36
2 Undifferentiated vs. Differentiated Awareness 6:30
3 The Marriage of an Illusion to a Futility 9:53
4 The Awareness of a Baby 5:38
5 The Fallacy of Misplaced Correctness 8:50
6 The Sensation of Happening 6:46
7 Of Pain and Suffering 4:18
8 Must Life Go on and On? 6:05
9 A Natural Satori 10:48
10 The Aversion to Death 5:57
11 The Eroticism of Pain 6:42
12 The Spectrum of Vibrations 7:18
CD #6
1 Introduction 0:39
2 Seeing Beyond the Game 5:23
3 The Conspiracy We Play on Ourselves 11:12
4 The Illusion of the Ego 8:33
5 The Meaningless Life 7:07
6 This Is the Game 8:59
7 So What's the Problem? 7:19
8 Every Incarnation Is This One 9:06
9 The State of Nothing 9:53
10 The Line of Least Resistance 10:16
CD #7
1 Introduction 0:37
2 To Say What Can't Be Said 9:09
3 Zen's Appeal to the West 7:59
4 Direct Pointing 11:59
5 The Origins of Zen 9:55
6 The Golden Age of Zen 6:32
7 No Mind, No Deliberation 7:24
8 Who Are You 8:22
9 Disturbing Confusions of the Mind 10:41
10 Who Is the Thinker Behind the Thoughts 4:43
CD #8
1 Introduction 0:37
2 Escaping the Tangle 14:51
3 The in Defines the Out Defines the In 9:13
4 The Japanese Zen Monastery 9:09
5 Entering the Temple 8:28
6 Answering the Koan 8:15
7 Seeing Past the Illusion 5:46
8 The Decline of Modern Temples 6:07
9 The Truth of the Birthless Mind 9:35
CD #9
1 Introduction 0:38
2 The Totality of All Being 9:14
3 Awareness of the Self 10:20
4 The Fundamental I 10:58
5 Self as Play 10:04
6 The Rhythmic Dance 7:25
7 Rules of the Game 8:21
8 The Hindu Yugas 11:37
9 Western Difficulty With Hindu Mythology 10:59
CD #10
1 Introduction 0:36
2 The Human World as Self 7:59
3 Stages of Citizenship in India 5:57
4 Shedding the Masks 5:59
5 The Limits of Self-Awareness 7:11
6 The Role of the Trickster 5:19
7 The Journey to Where You Already Are 4:22
8 Fear of Enlightenment 8:57
9 The Yoga Sutra 10:26
10 How Not to Use the Mind 6:42
11 Gamesmanship in Spiritual Practice 4:38
12 A Place for the Hermit 11:25
CD #11
1 Introduction 0:38
2 The Essence of Hinduism 9:37
3 The Four Noble Truths 7:37
4 The Cause of Suffering 6:40
5 The Eightfold Path 4:00
6 The Five Good Conducts 7:19
7 Presence of Mind 8:30
8 A Finger Pointing at the Moon 11:41
9 The Nature of Change 9:28
10 The Mystery of Change 6:48
11 Peaks and Valleys Go Together as One 6:16
CD #12
1 Introduction 0:38
2 The Buddhist Attitude of Change 8:22
3 Willing to Die 6:57
4 A Happy Death 9:53
5 Raising the Alarm 6:16
6 The World as Void 8:51
7 Voiding the Void 8:19
8 Consider Death Now 9:31
9 Thunderous Silence 7:23

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