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Room V Shadow Gallery

Release: 29 Sep 2006 Germany, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 14, Length: 1:15:01, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 Act III: Manhunt 2:07
2 Act III: Comfort Me 6:49
3 Act III: The Andromeda Strain 6:44
4 Act III: Vow 8:25
5 Act III: Birth of a Daughter 2:38
6 Act III: Death of a Mother 2:13
7 Act III: Lamentia 1:02
8 Act IV: Seven Years 3:35
9 Act IV: Dark 1:01
10 Act IV: Torn 8:21
11 Act IV: The Archer of Ben Salem 7:26
12 Act IV: Encrypted 7:59
13 Act IV: Room V 7:42
14 Act IV: Rain 8:59

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Room V, Germany (30 May 2005), CD + CD (English)
  2. Room V, Germany (07 Jun 2005), CD (English)
  3. Room V, Japan (27 Jun 2005), CD (English)