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Remember me my deir: Jacobean songs of love and loss Fires of Love

Release: 09 Dec 2013 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 25, Length: 1:2:00, Barcode: 801918341298
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 And will he not come again 1:21
2 Canaries 2:00
3 A Scots Tune (untitled) 1:16
4 Rest, sweet nymphs 2:54
5 St Valentine’s Day 1:37
6 Grein greus ye rasses, a Daunce 0:29
7 Go from my window 3:15
8 Gypsies Lilt 1:21
9 O sweet Oliver – My bonny lass ("Sellinger’s Round") 2:40
10 In throu the windoes of myn ees 3:42
11 A Port 1:38
12 Remember me, my deir 3:10
13 The Queen’s Treble 2:44
14 When Laura smiles 2:41
15 A Scots Tune (untitled) 1:47
16 Adeu, O desie of delyt 4:10
17 How should I your true love know ("Walsingham") 1:26
18 Bonny sweet Robin 1:04
19 Ane Scottis Dance 1:50
20 The cypress curtain of the night 6:03
21 I long for thy virginite 1:04
22 Quhat mightie motione 3:42
23 The Scottish Huntsupe 3:55
24 Pavane (Passamezzo) and Gagliarda 3:12
25 And will he not come again 2:45

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Discography Entry


