Mafumani Secondary School Choir Mafumani Secondary School Choir

Release: 2008 Australia, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 16, Length: 40:37, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Introduction 0:31
2 Ha Mi Xeweta (Greetings to All) 1:54
3 N'Wa Majhavuya (Child of Majhavuya) 2:37
4 Sobhuza (Ode to the King) 2:51
5 Ngholovhani (Wheelbarrow) 3:26
6 U Nga Nyanyuki (Don't Be Angry) 1:23
7 U Nga Nyanyuki (Don't Be Angry) - (reprise) 3:12
8 Tito (Honour to Freedom Fighters) 2:43
9 Tere Tere (Tractor) 2:20
10 Xinengani Xa n'Wampfundla (The Hare's Little Foot) 2:42
11 Mahuwelele (Calling Out) 3:14
12 Xizambani (This Skirt) 2:24
13 Xinkhova (The Owl) 2:40
14 Swa Manghovo (Don't Be Jealous) 1:44
15 Lomu Ka Valangu (In These Modern Times) 3:53
16 I Say Rejoice in the Lord 2:54