The Callous Concept Obtruncation

Release: 1997 , Language: , Status: Official
Format: , Tracks: 12, Length: 47:55, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 Parish of Perdition 4:00
2 Mutual Hatred 4:02
3 Gruesome Assembly 3:51
4 Sanctum's Disruption 4:31
5 A Bedraggled Scheme 4:37
6 Things That Were and Shall Be Again 3:36
7 Aroused by the Deceased 3:38
8 Sphere of the Rotting 4:27
9 Repudiated Angel 3:32
10 Church of Delusion 4:17
11 Pernicious Saviour 4:55
12 Witch From Akyrz 2:29