Pokémon Black & Pokémon White: Super Music Collection GAME FREAK

Release: 08 Apr 2014 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 173, Length: 3:57:11, Barcode: 859711583216
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 Coronation Day 0:47
2 A New Adventure! 0:14
3 Title Screen 1:18
4 Onward to Adventure! 0:22
5 A Day of Beginnings 0:19
6 Nuvema Town 1:40
7 Battle! (Cheren/Bianca) 1:39
8 Hurry Along 1 0:21
9 Professor Juniper 1:15
10 Juniper Pokémon Lab 1:40
11 Obtained a Key Item! 0:04
12 Let’s Go Together! 1:34
13 Route 1 1:22
14 Battle! (Wild Pokémon) 2:02
15 Victory! (Wild Pokémon) 0:30
16 Level Up! 0:04
17 Accumula Town 1:16
18 Hurry Along 2 0:52
19 Pokémon Center 1:12
20 Pokémon Healed 0:04
21 Pokédex Evaluation... You’ve Just Begun! 0:05
22 Team Plasma Plots 0:47
23 Route 2 (Spring/Summer) 1:32
24 Xtransceiver 0:05
25 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Youngster) 0:18
26 Battle! (Trainer Battle) 3:32
27 Victory! (Trainer Battle) 0:32
28 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Lass) 0:35
29 Obtained an Item! 0:04
30 Striaton City 1:10
31 Pokédex Evaluation... You’re on Your Way! 0:04
32 The Dreamyard 2:33
33 Team Plasma Appears! 1:22
34 Battle! (Team Plasma) 3:08
35 Victory! (Team Plasma) 1:06
36 Evolution 0:37
37 Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved! 0:06
38 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Twins) 0:32
39 Cheren’s Theme 0:59
40 There’s Trouble! 0:54
41 Nacrene City 3:13
42 Pokédex Evaluation... Keep at It! 0:05
43 Pokémon Gym 1:32
44 Battle! (Gym Leader) 2:52
45 Victory Lies Before You! 1:40
46 Victory! (Gym Leader) 1:20
47 Received a League Gym Badge 0:06
48 Obtained a TM! 0:05
49 Gate 1:56
50 Skyarrow Bridge 1:21
51 Castelia City 1:50
52 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Clerk ♂) 0:29
53 Route 4 (Spring) 1:24
54 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Backpacker) 0:21
55 Nimbasa City 1:59
56 Bianca’s Theme 0:58
57 An Unwavering Heart 1:47
58 Prisoner to a Formula 0:43
59 Battle! (N) 2:16
60 A Tight Spot During Battle! 0:42
61 Bicycle 1:55
62 Champion Alder 1:07
63 Driftveil Drawbridge 3:57
64 Driftveil City 1:31
65 Cold Storage 1:30
66 Route 6 (Spring/Summer) 1:22
67 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Parasol Lady) 0:31
68 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Scientist) 0:30
69 Chargestone Cave 1:29
70 Mistralton City 2:45
71 Cedric Juniper 1:04
72 Pokédex Evaluation... Not Bad! 0:05
73 Move Deleted 0:04
74 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Psychic) 0:41
75 Icirrus City 1:46
76 Dragonspiral Tower 2:08
77 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Team Plasma) 0:54
78 Dragonspiral Tower Top Floor 0:49
79 Route 4 (Summer) 0:51
80 Relic Castle 1:53
81 Light Stone/Dark Stone 0:05
82 Tubeline Bridge 1:26
83 Shopping Mall Nine 1:53
84 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Roughneck) 0:53
85 Opelucid City Gym (Pokémon Black) 4:06
86 Opelucid City Gym (Pokémon White) 3:30
87 Route 10 2:19
88 Victory Road 1:50
89 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Ace Trainer) 0:35
90 The Pokémon League 1:22
91 Battle! (Elite Four) 2:51
92 The Pokémon League Besieged! 0:56
93 Embracing One’s Duty 1:54
94 N’s Castle 1:47
95 The Pokémon Child, N 0:54
96 N’s Dragon 0:43
97 The Dragon Awakes 0:46
98 Battle! (Reshiram/Zekrom) 4:29
99 Decisive Battle! (N) 3:21
100 Ghetsis’ Ambitions 0:41
101 Battle! (Ghetsis) 4:34
102 Farewell 3:11
103 Ending “Onward to Our Own Futures” 2:23
104 Looker’s Theme 1:06
105 Route 2 (Autumn/Winter) 1:32
106 Received a Pokémon Egg! 0:04
107 The Royal Unova 1:45
108 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection 1:25
109 Global Terminal 2:07
110 Gts 1:26
111 Spin Trade 0:43
112 Pokédex Evaluation... Just a Little More! 0:05
113 Route 4 (Autumn) 0:51
114 Gear Station 2:28
115 The Battle Subway 0:33
116 Battle! (Battle Subway Trainer) 3:33
117 Received BP! 0:06
118 Musical Theater 1:33
119 Received Props! 0:04
120 Dress Up With Props 0:45
121 The Curtain for the Musical Rises! 0:21
122 Musical: “Stardom” 1:10
123 Musical: “Forest Stroll” 1:06
124 Musical: “A Sweet Soirée” 1:04
125 Musical: “Exciting Nimbasa” 1:02
126 A Ferris Wheel Ride Together 1:28
127 Feeling Check 0:04
128 Feeling Check: Perfect! 0:05
129 Feeling Check: Getting Close 0:05
130 Feeling Check: Lukewarm 0:04
131 Route 6 (Autumn/Winter) 1:21
132 Battle! (Legendary Pokémon) 3:21
133 Anville Town 2:23
134 Marvelous Bridge 1:47
135 Route 12 (Spring/Summer) 1:58
136 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Cyclist) 0:26
137 Poké Transfer Lab 0:57
138 Poké Transfer: Choose Your Pokémon! 0:39
139 Poké Transfer: Catch Your Pokémon! 0:59
140 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Pokéfan) 0:36
141 Black City 1:12
142 White Forest 1:34
143 Game Sync 1:14
144 Entralink 1:53
145 Begin an Entralink Mission! 0:07
146 Someone’s Entralink 1:11
147 Mission Accomplished! 0:06
148 Mission Failed! 0:05
149 Trainers’ Eyes Meet (Gentleman) 0:32
150 Undella Town (Autumn/Winter/Spring) 2:25
151 Undella Town (Summer) 1:32
152 Cynthia’s Theme 1:23
153 Battle! (Cynthia) 2:47
154 Lostlorn Forest 2:08
155 Battle! (Strong Wild Pokémon) 2:03
156 Surf 1:24
157 Abyssal Ruins 3:00
158 Route 12 (Autumn/Winter) 1:57
159 Lacunosa Town 1:56
160 Village Bridge 2:54
161 Mystery Gift 1:21
162 Route 4 (Winter) 0:51
163 Challenging a Battle Competition 1:00
164 Team Rocket!? 1:26
165 Battle! (Kyurem) 4:29
166 Pokédex Evaluation... It’s Perfect! 0:09
167 Battle! (Champion) 2:15
168 Victory! (Champion) 0:50
169 Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame! 0:58
170 Summer in Lacunosa 1:45
171 A Lullaby for Trains 4:33
172 Final Battle! (N remix) 3:17
173 Farewell (Refrain) 3:16

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. ニンテンドーDS ポケモンブラック・ホワイト スーパーミュージックコレクション, Japan (20 Oct 2010), CD + CD + CD + CD (Japanese)


  1. Pokémon Black & Pokémon White Super Music Collection, (2010), Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media (English)


  1. Nintendo DS Pokémon Black・White Super Music Collection, (20 Oct 2010), CD + CD + CD + CD () English localization
  2. Nintendo DS Pokémon Black · White Super Music Collection, (), CD + CD + CD + CD (English) English translation, localized names

Links (3)


  1. https://vgmdb.net/album/20831
  2. https://vgmdb.net/album/45174

Purchase For Download

  1. https://music.apple.com/us/album/pok%C3%A9mon-black-pok%C3%A9mon-white-super-music-collection/839750839

Label (1)

Phonographic Copyright (?) By

  1. The Pokémon Company (2014)