Pathology / Green Illness Malignant Tumour / Gride

Release: 1997 Czechia, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 36, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: EP


Cassette #1
A1 Intro - Symphonies of Sickness ?:??
A2 Oedema ?:??
A3 Lymphogranuloma Venerum ?:??
A4 Encephalitis Purulenta ?:??
A5 Is It Really Mine? ?:??
A6 Spermicid Spermatogenesis ?:??
A7 Statim! ?:??
A8 Putrefaction Decomposition ?:??
A9 Ingrowing of the Alien Things in the Body ?:??
A10 Process of Fermentation ?:??
A11 Fuck Off Nazi Bastard ?:??
A12 Acute Rheumatic Fever ?:??
A13 Affection of Outlet Urinary Ways ?:??
A14 Endocarditis Streptococcia Acuta ?:??
A15 A Start at Least ?:??
A16 Mucormycosis of Gastronitestinal Tract ?:??
A17 Parasitical Cysts ?:??
A18 Pathological Fracture ?:??
A19 Diphteria ?:??
A20 Hypermenorrhoea ?:??
A21 Pemphigus Vulgaris ?:??
A22 Necrosis ?:??
A23 Anal Sushi ?:??
B1 Intro ?:??
B2 Saviours Co... Ltd. ?:??
B3 Full of Ruthless ?:??
B4 The Gate ?:??
B5 Commercial Shitty Music ?:??
B6 Lack of Understanding and Ignorance Labyrinth ?:??
B7 Green Illness ?:??
B8 Bestial Brutal Show With Sadistic Character ?:??
B9 Is This the End? ?:??
B10 The Demon From Atoll Bikiny ?:??
B11 Destruction of Reason ?:??
B12 Obscenity ?:??
B13 Noise Wave ?:??

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