Remix War III Various Artists

Release: 31 Jul 2011 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 52, Length: 3:23:59, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Digital Media #1
1 Friends ARE Forever (FriendsForever remix) 3:48
2 Derpy Hooves 3:19
3 Pony Swag 4:23
4 Defense of Canterlot 3:37
5 Derpy Hooves Bestof Rap 2:38
6 For Thy New Lunar Republic 4:00
7 Don't Let Me Fall 4:05
8 Cosmic Schism 3:23
9 Princess Twilight Sparkle (Get Yo Wings club Circuitfried remix) 3:28
10 My Destiny Is Deep in Her Eyes (Marked and Circuitfried mix) 8:37
11 Equestrian Sky-Patrol (Rainbowdash and Fluttershy Go for a Leisurely Glide) 2:27
12 Wat is ur problem, WHORN? 4:04
13 BG Pony Love 4:09
14 Pony Swag 3:29
15 Sonic Fireboom 4:30
16 Trixie's Great and Exaggerated Stories 5:14
17 Luna's Lullaby 6:40
18 Sunset 13:03
19 Lower the Moon (Eurobeat Descent) 3:16
20 FLUTTER (Baby Dragon rmx) 2:28
21 Rushed Entry 1:54
22 Hydra Pulse (Glitcha-Twich remix) 3:29
23 Grooves n' Hooves: Not Quite Me [Will the Real Derpy Hooves Please Stand Up] 3:19
24 Luna's Night (Orchestral mix) 2:20
25 WLTZ4_TR.EXE 2:51
26 Scootaloo Touches FL Studio but Gets Bored and Plays Video Games 2:17
27 Cerebral Meltdown 3:02
28 Winter Left Unwrapped 4:18
29 Luna's Night (Out) (remix) 4:40
30 No Strings Attached 4:47
31 The Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac to All Things Astronomy 4:06
32 Vinyl Scratch (Marking Dude and Aussie remix) 5:23
33 Luna (trance/dubstep remix) 3:06
34 DETHTROT 3:59
35 Eurobeat Telegram 3:12
36 Luna 3:25
37 Cutaway Fantasies About the Grand Galloping Gala Were Acceptable in the Eighties 3:48
39 PIE 3:35
40 Forever Dark 2:55
41 Fluoride Soundscapes (Brushie Brushie in Concert mix) 3:06
42 Ze Magicz Revisited 3:15
43 Art of the Dress (Always Stressed Re-remix) 5:26
44 push buttons until it sounds pony enough 2:18
45 For The New Lunar Republic 4:09
46 This Song Made Me a Bigger Man (pegaBeat remix) 3:08
47 It's Love on Trixie Day (Excessive Drum'n'Bass remix) 5:02
48 Simpler Joy Mix (Omega version) 4:19
49 Giggle at the Ghostie 2:06
50 8 Billion Fluttershies 3:42
51 Ze Magics 2:36
52 Luna (Lucid Mode) 4:40

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