Ohpenedemo Oh! Penelope

Release: 2006 Japan, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Promotion
Format: , Tracks: 13, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


1 I go to life (demo) ?:??
2 Fantasy ?:??
3 Heart (original) ?:??
4 Photograph ?:??
5 Natsu no taiyo ?:??
6 Bird (Inst) ?:??
7 Bonnie and clyde (French) ?:??
8 Duet (demo) ?:??
9 Duet (Studio) ?:??
10 Milk & cookies (Lait au miel) ?:??
11 Natsu no taiyo (demo) ?:??
12 Romance (original) ?:??
13 Romantist #1 (Without kazmi) ?:??