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Best Hymns 100 Various Artists

Release: 29 Mar 2011 , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 100, Length: 5:19:36, Barcode: 5099909756328
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2:55
2 Morning Has Broken 1:50
3 Come Down, o Love Divine 3:43
4 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 5:13
5 O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be 7:54
6 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 3:33
7 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 3:58
8 Be Thou My Vision 4:34
9 The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended 3:23
10 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 4:08
11 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation 3:14
12 My Song Is Love Unknown 3:27
13 The Lord’s My Shepherd 2:45
14 Thine Be the Glory 3:01
15 Drop, Drop, Slow Tears 1:21
16 Glorious Things of Three Are Spoken 3:54
17 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 4:58
CD #2
1 And Did Those Feet in Ancient Times (Jerusalem) 3:01
2 Abide With Me (Eventide) 4:53
3 I Vow to Thee, My Country (Thaxted) 2:32
4 Alleluya, Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol) 3:39
5 Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem (St Fulbert) 2:23
6 The Head That Once Was Crowned With Thorns (St Magnus) 2:44
7 Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea) 2:44
8 Praise to the Holiest in the Heights (Richmond) 2:53
9 Wake, O Wake! (Wachet auf!) 3:39
10 On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry (Winchester New) 2:41
11 There Is a Green Hill (Horsley) 2:23
12 O Sacred Head Sore Wounded (Passion Chorale) 2:43
13 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Easter Hymn) 3:06
14 Bright the Vision That Delighted (Redhead No 46) 2:48
15 Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire (Veni creatur) 2:14
16 Evening Hymn (Te lucis ante terminum) 5:31
CD #3
1 How Great Thou Art (Sanningsvittnet) 3:46
2 Let All the World in Every Corner Sing (Luckington) 1:38
3 Amazing Grace (New Britain) 4:01
4 For All the Saints Who From Their Labours Rest (Sine nomine) 5:07
5 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (St Peter) 2:51
6 Rejoice, the Lord Is King (Gopsal) 2:41
7 Soul of My Saviour (Anima Christi) 2:56
8 Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun (Truro) 1:47
9 O Worship the King (Hanover) 3:47
10 All Creatures of Our God and King (Lasst uns erfreuen) 4:36
11 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (Battle Hymn) 2:53
12 Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us (Mannheim) 1:58
13 On a Hill Far Away Stood an Old Rugged Cross (The Old Rugged Cross) 4:12
14 All My Hope on God Is Founded (Michael) 3:01
15 O Come and Mourn With Me Awhile (St Cross) 3:01
16 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern) 2:49
17 Onward, Christian Soldiers! (St Gertrude) 4:02
CD #4
1 The Lord’s My Shepherd (Crimond) 3:09
2 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Love Divine) 2:53
3 Hark, What a Sound (Highwood) 3:04
4 The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Dominus regit me) 2:55
5 Soldiers of Christ, Arise (St Ethelwald) 2:12
6 Alleluya, Sing to Jesus (Ebenezer) 1:56
7 Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word (Liebster Jesu) 1:43
8 Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep (Buckland) 2:14
9 Be Thou My Guardian (Abridge) 2:10
10 Lift Up Your Heads (Crucis Victoria) 2:03
11 Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love (Melcombe) 1:28
12 Thou Whose Almighty Word (Moscow) 2:24
13 Forth in Thy Name, o Lord, I Go (Angel’s Song) 2:51
14 O Praise Ye the Lord (Laudate Dominus) 2:44
15 Jesus, Blessed Saviour (Eudoxia) 2:27
16 All Hail the Power of Jesu’s Name (Ladywell) 2:38
17 Now Thank We All Our God (Nun danket) 3:02
CD #5
1 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Cwm Rhondda) 3:35
2 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (St Denio) 2:38
3 Jesu, Lover of My Soul (Aberystwyth) 3:54
4 Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn (Stockport) 2:08
5 Eternal Father, Strong to Save (Melita) 2:45
6 Crown Him With Many Crowns (Diademata) 3:03
7 Abide With Me (Eventide) 2:56
8 O God, Our Help in Ages Past (St Anne) 2:36
9 Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow (Cross of Jesus) 3:12
10 Holy Jesu, by Thy Passion 2:41
11 Jesus, the Crucified, Pleads for Me 3:26
12 I Adore Thee, I Adore Thee! 1:56
13 All for Jesus - All for Jesus (Wycliff) 2:48
14 Christe, qui lux es et dies 3:25
15 Fairest Lord Jesus (St Elisabeth / Schönster Herr Jesu) 3:13
16 God Be With You Till We Meet Again (Randolph) 2:29
CD #6
1 Once in Royal David’s City (Irby) 5:14
2 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night (Winchester Old) 2:50
3 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 3:35
4 O Little Town of Bethlehem (Forest Green) 3:28
5 The First Nowell 4:53
6 As With Gladness Men of Old (Dix) 2:04
7 Of the Father’s Heart Begotten (Divinum mysterium) 5:05
8 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel) 3:30
9 Bethlehem of Noblest Cities (Stuttgart) 2:22
10 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Noel) 3:31
11 O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste fideles) 4:47
12 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Mendelssohn) 4:10
13 Vom Himmel hoch 3:45
14 Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottes-Sohn 3:14
15 Jesu, meine Freude 4:12
16 Puer natus in Bethlehem 1:27
17 In dulci jubilo 3:22

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