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…Next Stop Is Vietnam: The War on Record: 1961–2008 Various Artists

Release: 13 Jul 2010 Germany, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 334, Length: 16:32:02, Barcode: 9783899165272
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Where Have All the Flowers Gone 3:22
2 Soldier Boy 2:41
3 Soldier’s Plea 2:42
4 Letter to a Buddie 3:41
5 Soldiers Who Want to Be Heroes 2:08
6 The Cruel War 3:28
7 The Infiltration Blues 2:26
8 President Eisenhower Warns of a “Military Industrial Complex” 0:24
9 Masters of War 4:32
10 Distant Drums 2:53
11 Senator Wayne Morse: “We’re at War in Violation of the Constitution…” 0:24
12 There’s a War 2:32
13 President Johnson Reports Attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin 1:28
14 What Did You Learn in School Today 1:45
15 Mr. Where Is Viet Nam 3:21
16 Talking Viet Nam 3:36
17 Our Daddy’s in Viet Nam 2:16
18 The Willing Conscript 2:13
19 Good Bye High School (Hello Viet Nam) 2:29
20 Teenage Soldier Boy 2:38
21 Universal Soldier 2:15
22 The Universal Coward 3:04
23 Eve of Destruction 3:33
24 The Dawn of Correction 3:26
25 We Ain’t at War 2:58
26 Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation 3:04
27 7 O’Clock News / Silent Night 2:14
28 Christmas in Viet Nam 3:12
CD #2
1 Marching Off to War 3:17
2 Battle of Viet Nam 2:25
3 The Battle of Viet Nam 2:24
4 Hello Viet Nam 3:08
5 Hello Viet Nam (Goodbye My Love) 2:08
6 It's for God, and Country, and You Mom (The Ballad of Viet Nam) 3:25
7 Fightin' for the USA 2:12
8 This Is a Useless War 2:03
9 The Ballad of the Green Berets 2:29
10 SSgt. Barry Sadler Interviewed 2:33
11 He Wore the Green Beret 2:19
12 The Son of a Green Beret (A Child's Ballad of the Green Beret) 2:07
13 The "A" Team 2:07
14 Marine's Ballad 2:32
15 Mind Your Manners Boys 3:05
16 CBS's Morley Safre With Marines at the Village of Cam Ne 2:22
17 Off to Viet Nam (In the Green) 2:40
18 Soldier in Viet Nam 3:11
19 Postmarked at Viet Nam 2:12
20 A Fearless Soldier 3:32
21 Gallant Men 2:41
22 Bob Hope Introduces Honey Ltd. While on Tour in Viet Nam 0:14
23 The Warrior 2:54
24 Private Wilson White 3:16
25 Danny Fernandez 2:04
26 Sky Pilot (part 1) 2:00
27 The Medic 2:56
28 Nurse in the U.S. Army Corps 1:15
29 Brave Men Not Afraid 2:36
30 U.S. Ambassador to Viet Nam, Henry Cabot Lodge 0:17
31 When the Green Berets Come Home 2:48
CD #3
1 Uncle Sam Called Me (I Got to Go) 4:08
2 Greetings (Uncle Sam Wants You) 2:08
3 Here Comes Uncle Sam 3:20
4 Vietnam 2:40
5 The Ballad of Our Times 2:39
6 President Johnson Warns That "There Will Be Some Nervous Nellies" 0:26
7 Hey! Uncle Sam 2:52
8 I Gotta Go to Viet Nam 4:23
9 Uncle Sam 2:30
10 Fightin' for Sam 2:57
11 The Draft Dodger Rag 2:10
12 Draft Time Blues 2:25
13 Greetings (This Is Uncle Sam) 3:03
14 Conscientious Objector 2:38
15 My Uncle 2:38
16 David McReynolds Explains Why He Burned His Draft Card 0:40
17 Draft Resister 3:18
18 The First Draft Lottery Birth Date Is Announced 0:29
19 The Red, White and Blue 3:12
20 PSA to Parents From Bing Crosby 0:30
21 An Open Letter to My Teenage Son 4:08
22 A Letter to Dad 2:55
23 Letter From a Teenage Son 2:53
24 Please Mr. Johnson 2:39
25 Little Becky's Christmas Wish 3:07
26 Wish You Were Here With Me 3:01
27 Army Bound 2:38
28 I Will Wait 2:44
29 What's Been Going on in Viet Nam 1:58
30 Does Anybody Know I'm Here 3:16
CD #4
1 I Ain't Marching Anymore 2:32
2 Hell No, I Ain't Gonna Go 3:25
3 The War Drags On 3:41
4 Kill for Peace 2:09
5 I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag 3:45
6 Saigon Bride 3:14
7 Waist Deep in the Big Muddy 2:55
8 PSA by Merv Griffin 0:35
9 Eugene McCarthy for President (If You Love Your Country) 3:11
10 Sen. Eugene McCarthy Speaks on Vietnam 0:40
11 Simple Song of Freedom 3:53
12 President Nixon Speaks on Vietnam 0:22
13 Fortunate Son 1:44
14 Moratorium Speaker: "No More War" 0:59
15 Lay Down (Candles in the Rain) 3:48
16 Ballad of Two Brothers 3:31
17 President Nixon Complains About "Bums on Campus" 0:59
18 Mister Professor 2:28
19 President Nixon Announces "Cambodian Incursion" 0:51
20 Brigadier General Robert Canterbury 1:24
21 Monday in May 3:01
22 The Kent State Massacre 3:44
23 A Kent State Student: "They Didn't Have Blanks" 0:18
24 Arthur Krause, Kent State Father: "Is This a Reason for Killing Her...?" 0:44
25 Student Demonstration Time 3:55
26 War 3:23
27 Bring the Boys Home 3:30
28 I Should Be Proud 2:56
29 People Let's Stop the War 5:12
CD #5
1 What We're Fighting For 2:27
2 The Viet Nam Blues 2:36
3 There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas in the Jungle) 2:55
4 I Wanna Help Hurry My Brothers Home 3:00
5 It's Americas, Love It or Leave It 1:51
6 Keep the Flag Flying 2:18
7 What's Come Over This World 2:57
8 The Minute Men (Are Turning in Their Graves) 2:24
9 Day for Decision 5:45
10 The Ballad of the Yellow Beret 2:29
11 Wish You Were Here, Buddy 2:14
12 Gen. Westmoreland Speaks 0:13
13 We Are Winning 2:00
14 Kathy's Letter 4:37
15 Dear Mr. President 4:46
16 Letter From a Boy in Vietnam 2:56
17 Ballad of the Unknown Soldier 2:12
18 Freedom's Cause 2:09
19 PSA for Patriotism by Anita Bryant 0:59
20 "What The..." (Is Going On in Washington) 2:42
21 Okie for Muskogee 2:43
22 Vice President Spiro Agnew Becomes the Outspoken Voice of the Nixon Admninistration 0:54
23 Keep Our Country Free 2:18
24 The Fightin' Side of Me 2:53
25 War's Cross 2:35
26 Ballad of My Lai 3:43
27 Mike Wallace Interviews Paul Meadlo 1:13
28 Pinkville Helicopter 3:48
29 Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley 3:49
30 Lt. Calley Found Guilty of Crimes at My Lai 0:37
31 The U.S.A. Soldier 3:13
32 Set Calley Free (part 1) 2:34
CD #6
1 The Unknown Soldier 3:23
2 War Is Hell 3:20
3 Morley Safer, CBS News, Reports a Death in the Jungle 0:28
4 Viet Nam 3:43
5 Waitin' for the V.C. to Come 2:34
6 A Letter From Viet Nam (To Mother) 2:44
7 Street Without Joy (part 1) 3:27
8 Out Here in Viet-Nam 3:04
9 A Soldier Writes Home From "Hamberger Hill" 0:35
10 To Susan on the West Coast Waiting 3:12
11 Freckle-Faced Soldier 3:09
12 The Gentle Soldier 3:16
13 Fellows in Vietnam 3:10
14 My Soldier Boy Is Over There 3:04
15 The Return of a Soldier 2:56
16 My World Ended in South Viet Nam Sweetheart 2:50
17 And They Were Five 3:35
18 4:00 A.M. in Viet Nam 3:14
19 Follow Me 2:22
20 John Laurence, CBS News, Interviews a G.I. About "Suicide Walk" 0:51
21 Sir, My Men Refuse to Go 3:11
22 Run Through the Jungle 2:58
23 Galveston 2:41
24 Viet Nam 4:51
25 President Nixon Sets Out His "Vietnamization" 0:55
26 Vietnam Rotation Blues 2:33
27 The Soldier's Prayer 3:09
28 The War Keeps Draggin' On 2:56
CD #7
1 Goodbye Travis Air Force Base 2:24
2 Vietnam 2:37
3 Saigon 2:29
4 Bambina (Ba Moui Ba) 2:32
5 Saigon Girls 2:59
6 Saigon Warrior 4:22
7 Battle Hymn of the Republic of Vietnam 3:24
8 Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara Comments on the War's Progress 2:00
9 McNamara's Band 0:48
10 Southeast Asia's Disneyland 1:42
11 Grunt 2:51
12 Six Klicks 2:03
13 Ballad of the U.S.S. St. Francis River 2:23
14 Brave Boys 3:25
15 The Men of MAG-16 2:56
16 I Fly the Line 1:57
17 Phu Cat Star 2:08
18 Tchepone 4:11
19 Army Aviation 3:11
20 Jolly Green 2:50
21 "This Is the American Forces Vietnam Network, Where the Hits Just Keep Coming..." 0:19
22 Armed Forces Radio 4:00
23 We Gotta Get Out of This Place 2:00
24 Introduction to "A Date With Chris" 0:36
25 Leaving on a Jet Plane 3:27
26 Singing in Viet Nam Talking Blues 2:57
27 Boonie Rat Song 3:42
28 I've Been Everywhere 1:56
29 Played Around and Stayed in Vietnam Too Long 3:30
30 Freedom Bird 3:12
CD #8
1 The War Is Over 4:21
2 Give Peace a Chance 4:51
3 Sigh of the "V" 3:45
4 The Real Silent Majority 5:04
5 Please Settle in Vietnam 4:10
6 Winding the War Down/McGovern-Hatfield Amendment to End the War 1:04
7 Johnny's Not a Toy Soldier 2:38
8 Pencil Marks on the Wall 2:42
9 Why (A Peace Medley) 3:01
10 Peace Will Come (According to Plan) 4:48
11 Chant for Peace 2:36
12 What's Going On 3:56
13 Happy Xmas (War Is Over) 3:33
14 Congratulations (You Sure Made a Man Out of Him) 4:00
15 President Nixon: "I Call on Hanoi to Release All POWs" 0:56
16 MIA/POW (Prisoner of War Song) 3:16
17 Prisoner of War 3:54
18 I Promise I'll Wait 2:16
19 President Nixon: "Peace With Honor in Vietnam" 2:00
20 When the Brothers Come Marching Home 2:27
21 John Laurence, CBS News: "A Cease Fire Has Come..." 0:33
22 The Story of Vietnam 2:14
23 SP4 Tom Fawlston, AFV News, Reports on POW Releases 0:40
24 Prisoner of War (Welcome Back Home) 3:18
25 Welcome Home POW 2:28
CD #9
1 The War Is Over 3:14
2 We Are Glad That Our Boys Are Coming Home 3:03
3 Welcome the Boys Back Home 3:23
4 A Long Time Ago 4:17
5 Ballad of the Plastic Prince 3:57
6 Returning Home From Vietnam 2:48
7 (The Two Wars of) Old Black Joe 4:22
8 Wallace Terry Interviews Black Fighting Men 1:16
9 Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town 3:02
10 Sam Stone 4:15
11 Hanoi Hannah News Broadcast (excerpt) 1:31
12 Hanoi Hannah 2:55
13 Jane Fonda Hanoi Press Conference (excerpt) 6:11
14 Hanoi Jane 2:45
15 Napalm Sticks to Kids 4:21
16 The Americans (A Canadian's Opinion) 4:52
17 An American's Answer (to Gordon Sinclair) 2:55
18 Text of Jimmy Carter's Pardon for Draft Dodgers 0:20
19 True Red, White and Blue Don't Run (Amnesty Be Damned) 2:55
20 Vietnam 2:26
21 Born on the Fourth of July 3:41
22 Khe Sanh 4:08
23 Soldier of 'Nam 3:07
24 Still in Saigon 3:53
CD #10
1 The Big Parade 4:00
2 Long Black Wall 2:51
3 More Than a Name on a Wall 2:56
4 I Was Only 19 (A Walk in the Green Light) 4:20
5 19 3:38
6 19 in Vietnam 2:40
7 Walking a Thin Line 5:09
8 Orange Crush 3:51
9 Old Hippie 4:04
10 Copperhead Road 4:30
11 Beach Party Vietnam 1:45
12 Salute the Boys of Vietnam 3:11
13 They're Still Heroes Today 3:36
14 Song for the Unsung Soldiers 3:27
15 Bring 'em Home From 'Nam 3:03
16 The Forgotten Man 4:10
17 The Vet's Song 4:15
18 Veteran's Song (Welcome Home) 4:21
19 Combat Vet 2:53
CD #11
1 Cowboys on Horses With Wings 3:31
2 Big Time in the Jungle 2:29
3 Galveston Bay 4:59
4 Riding With Private Malone 4:34
5 Ride to the Wall 4:43
6 8th of November 6:08
7 Some Gave All 4:06
8 Vietnam Foreign Correspondent 3:31
9 The Girl in the Picture (Napalm Girl) 5:00
10 Ballad of Billy Saigon 6:51
11 Song for Hugh Thompson 3:10
12 Back in Vietnam 3:08
13 Bring Them Home 3:45
14 Thank You Vets 5:03
15 Sons and Daughters 3:23
16 Don't Give Us a Reason 2:35
17 Theme for an American Hero 3:49
CD #12
1 I Ain't Here Today 4:15
2 Luang Prabang 1:51
3 Quang Tri City 2:25
4 Pretty Place 5:16
5 Viet Vet 1:37
6 Get Me Out of Vietnam 2:43
7 I Didn't Go to 'Nam but I Do Give a Damn 4:14
8 Warspeak 2:39
9 Johnny Rambo 2:32
10 I Should Have Been in Tokyo 3:13
11 Bobby's Saigon Boogie 3:21
12 A.P.O. San Francisco 4:21
13 Borderline 4:32
14 Dustoff 6:09
15 The Girl Next Door (Combat Nurse) 3:24
16 The Women on the Wall 5:14
17 Who Are the Names on the Wall 4:55
18 The Wall 4:30
19 Finally Welcomed Home 3:37
20 Vietnam: Still a Part of Who I Am 4:59
21 Dr. Fall 3:20
CD #13
1 Walking Time Bomb 2:35
2 Leroy's Song 2:33
3 This Shirt of Mine 3:32
4 It's Just a Nam Thing 6:02
5 Shell Shock PTSD 5:49
6 Hot L. Z (Thorazine Shuffle) 2:58
7 I'm Certified 3:19
8 The Jungleman 4:37
9 Agent Orange Song 3:54
10 Thanks, Secret Agent 3:54
11 It Ain't Over 'Till It's Over, Over Here 3:24
12 The Claymore Polka 2:19
13 VA Shuffle 3:58
14 Forgotten Man 4:19
15 Veteran's Lament 3:50
16 Twenty Years of Tears 4:54
17 What Kind of Men 3:38
18 American Heroes 3:13
19 Vietnam I'm Dreamin' Dreamin' On 4:50
20 Time to Lay Down (AKA The Wall) 3:41

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