The Underground World of Darkness and Chaos Various Artists

Release: 20 Mar 2011 Poland, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 51, Length: 5:48:06, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Digital Media #1
1 Thinking in Suffering 12:13
2 Atmosfera de Vidros Quebrados Em Meus Órgãos Internos 15:30
3 I'm the One 3:53
4 En Suivant Le Cortege Funebre 3:47
5 When I End My Life (version 2) 9:12
6 Scratching the Confinements of the Suffering 5:48
7 Increasing Sadness 9:16
8 Elle 13:00
9 Decay of the World 8:35
10 Ein Duesterer Winter Kommt Ll 4:51
11 Vultures 5:45
12 Carried by the Wind 5:06
13 Oceans From My Veins 7:58
14 Truth 2:22
15 Supondo Corpos Imersos Em Ciclos de Chuva 21:10
16 Watching the Nausea 13:47
17 We Cant Go Outside... 2:41
18 Repressed 3:55
19 Mirror of the Sick Soul 8:36
20 Bauglir 6:11
21 Re-Interpretation Three 4:08
22 53° 44'9'' n 18° 55'51'' E 3:46
23 Part2 8:01
24 Calling the Lord of Death (remix by Dathura) 2:34
25 Palimpindstsest [Part 1] 12:16
26 Timor-Excessus 7:25
27 Bleak Necrotic Paleness (Xasthur Cover) 1:44
28 Urobors 5:35
29 Sadomatic Rites 4:00
30 Radioactive Cosmic Rays Ll 7:55
31 VII IIV A3 7:28
32 Life = Nightmare 8:56
33 Denying Light 7:55
34 Hass Martyrium 4:57
35 The Sounds of Winter 8:36
36 Träumerei Von Finsternis 3:38
37 Stage 3. Paranoia 6:00
38 Tinnitus Auris 5:52
39 Asylum's Room 1:59
40 Isaf and Na'Ilah 5:39
41 Orthodox Depressive (Trabpfer in Eternity) 8:52
42 Part I - Refuse 4:55
43 Mountains Choked With Smoke, Release the Trees Down Their Hillsides 4:50
44 Declnio Social 4:56
45 Corpsecity 5:38
46 Solipsistic Inner Pain (instrumental) 8:28
47 Sterile Nails and Thunderbowels (Silencer cover) 6:13
48 Life (Part III) 3:43
49 Cień 4:32
50 Posthuman 8:57
51 Sexual Self Mutilation 5:02

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