Beneath the Stars / Yıldızların Altında Önder Focan

Release: 1997 Türkiye, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 10, Length: 1:7:24, Barcode: 8691284030122
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 Denizli 5:08
2 Smoke Gets in Your Eyes 7:43
3 O.K Bob 7:50
4 Beneath the Stars (Yıldızların Altında) 6:47
5 Grey Haired Waltzer (Kır Saçlı Valsçi) 9:39
6 Can't Cure (Olmaz İlaç Sine-i Sad Pareme) 8:13
7 Sunburst Cat 7:13
8 Ballad for Two Guitarists 6:08
9 Peshrev 2nd Part (Peşrev 2. Hane) 2:46
10 Nardis 5:52

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Beneath the Stars (Yildizlarin Altinda), (05 Jan 2001), CD ([Multiple languages])