Wisdom of Elders Shabaka and the Ancestors

Release: 17 Sep 2016 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 7, Length: 1:8:49, Barcode: 5060180322885
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Mzwandile 13:33
2 Joyous 6:40
3 The Observer 9:04
4 The Sea 11:50
5 Natty 10:00
6 Give Thanks 8:12
7 Nguni 9:30

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Wisdom of Elders, United Kingdom (16 Sep 2016), Vinyl + Vinyl (English)
  2. Wisdom of Elders, [Worldwide] (16 Sep 2016), Digital Media ([Multiple languages])
  3. Wisdom of Elders, Japan (16 Sep 2016), CD ([Multiple languages])

Links (3)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/9088035

Purchase For Mail-Order

  1. http://www.gillespetersonworldwide.com/shabaka-and-the-ancestors-wisdom-of-elders-is-out-now/
  2. https://shabakaandtheancestors.bandcamp.com/album/wisdom-of-elders