Live 30 Nov. 1999 At 20000V, Tokyo, Japan / Dysmorfic Warsore / Dysmorfic

Release: Australia, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 44, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: EP


Cassette #1
A1 Chronic Waste ?:??
A2 Thief ?:??
A3 Choking on Streets ?:??
A4 Deathly Sick ?:??
A5 Nothing but Enemies ?:??
A6 Just Another Stab in the Back ?:??
A7 Stop Posing and Kill Someone ?:??
A8 Slave Information ?:??
A9 Industrial Suicide ?:??
A10 Demoralised ?:??
A11 Brutal Reprisal ?:??
A12 Dying in My Own Excrement ?:??
A13 Substance Abuse ?:??
A14 Sensory Depravation ?:??
A15 Cops Make Good Targets ?:??
A16 Bastardised ?:??
A17 Destroy All Monsters ?:??
A18 Sinking in Shit ?:??
A19 Crayon Shinchan ?:??
A20 Bitter End ?:??
A21 Sweating Blood ?:??
A22 Psychosmatic ?:??
A23 Social Parasite ?:??
A24 Human Origins ?:??
A25 Sociopath ?:??
A26 52 Confirmed Kills ?:??
A27 Killing Fields ?:??
A28 Ritual Hate ?:??
A29 Suicide Bomber ?:??
B1 Human Waste ?:??
B2 Psychopathia Sexualis ?:??
B3 Life ?:??
B4 When You Die ?:??
B5 Abomination ?:??
B6 Nothing ?:??
B7 Beating the Dead ?:??
B8 Punk? ?:??
B9 Party in Rome ?:??
B10 Leaders ?:??
B11 Grey Nothingness ?:??
B12 Ignorance/Lies ?:??
B13 Merda ?:??
B14 Forcefed ?:??
B15 You Disgust Me ?:??

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