Bloodied But Unbowed D.O.A.

Release: 1983 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 19, Length: 41:12, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


12" Vinyl #1
A1 New Age 2:19
A2 The Prisoner 1:51
A3 Unknown 2:30
A4 Smash The State 1:30
A5 Rich Bitch 2:59
A6 Slumlord 1:52
A7 Fuck You 2:31
A8 I Don't Give A Shit 1:20
A9 Waiting For You 0:50
A10 Watcha Gonna Do? 3:55
B1 World War 3 3:31
B2 2+2 1:38
B3 The Enemy 2:50
B4 Fucked Up Ronnie 1:20
B5 Woke Up Screaming 2:30
B6 001 Loser's Club 1:52
B7 13 2:18
B8 Get Out Of My Life 1:58
B9 D.O.A. 1:38

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Bloodied but Unbowed, United Kingdom (1983), 12" Vinyl (English)
  2. Bloodied But Unbowed, Canada (1986), CD (English)
  3. Bloodied but Unbowed, (), (English)

Links (1)

