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Mirai Shounen Conan Drama and BGM 池辺晋一郎

Release: 21 Feb 1991 Japan, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 31, Length: 2:0:33, Barcode: 4988003099282
Release type: Album - Soundtrack / Audio drama


CD #1
1 Ima chikyuu ga mezameru [Earth Wakes Up] 2:14
2 Nokosare tou [Remnant Island - Episode 1] 9:36
3 Tabidachi [Departure - Episode 2] 4:52
4 Hajimete no nakama [The First Companion - Episode 3] 3:37
5 Daisu no hangyaku [Dyce's Rebellion - Episode 6] 6:17
6 Toubou [Escape - Episode 8] 5:48
7 Taiyoutou [The Triangle Tower - Episode 23] 5:33
8 Giganto - Episode 24 7:16
9 Industria no saigo [The End of Industria - Episode 25] 6:54
10 Daidanen [Denouement - Episode 26] 10:11
11 Shiawase no yokan [Hope of Happiness] 2:40
CD #2
1 Daihendou [A Big Change] 1:03
2 Ima chikyuu ga mezameru [Earth Wakes Up (karaoke)] 2:14
3 Yoake [The Dawn] 3:05
4 Shizenji Conan [Conan, Boy of Nature] 2:48
5 Industria no kyoui [Industria Menace] 3:05
6 Dairansen [The Great Rebellion] 3:49
7 Daisu senchou no thema [Capitain Dyce's Theme] 2:17
8 Yorokobi [Joyful] 3:36
9 Heiwa na hitotoki [A Moment of Peace] 1:43
10 Fuan [Anxiety] 4:18
11 Lana no omoi [Lana's Thoughts] 4:08
12 Hateshinaki toubou [A Neverending Escape] 2:03
13 Kanashimi [Sadness] 3:21
14 High harbor no shizen [High Harbor's Nature] 2:10
15 Gimsy to Conan [Gimsy & Conan] 1:38
16 Yukai na nakamatachi [A Sympathetic Companion] 1:52
17 Kiki [Danger] 2:50
18 Koubousen [The Great Fight] 3:19
19 Asu e no funade [Departure to the Future] 3:36
20 Shiawase no yokan [Hope of Happiness (karaoke)] 2:40

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. 「未来少年コナン」ドラマ編・BGM編, Japan (21 Feb 1991), CD + CD (Japanese)