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Blu-ray + Blu-ray + CD + CD + CD
Digital Media

Retrospect Epica

Release: 11 Nov 2013 Germany, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: Blu-ray + Blu-ray + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 54, Length: 6:35:40, Barcode: 727361311742
Release type: Other
limited edition


Blu-ray #1
1 Introspect 3:42
2 Monopoly on Truth 7:09
3 Sensorium 5:41
4 Unleashed 6:24
5 Martyr of the Free Word 6:31
6 Chasing the Dragon 8:28
7 Presto 3:43
8 Never Enough 5:07
9 Stabat mater dolorosa 5:28
10 Twin Flames 5:27
11 Serenade of Self‐Destruction 10:42
12 Orchestral Medley 7:40
13 The Divine Conspiracy (anniversary edition) 7:40
14 Delirium 6:56
15 Blank Infinity 5:03
Blu-ray #2
1 The Obsessive Devotion 7:42
2 Retrospect 4:23
3 Battle of the Heroes & Imperial March 6:48
4 Quietus 4:31
5 The Phantom Agony 9:04
6 Cry for the Moon 12:20
7 Sancta terra 5:34
8 Design Your Universe 12:35
9 Storm the Sorrow 6:04
10 Consign to Oblivion 11:51
11 Outrospect 2:23
12 In Retrospect With Epica 26:29
13 Behind the Scenes 15:48
CD #3
1 Introspect 4:20
2 Monopoly on Truth 7:08
3 Sensorium 6:04
4 Unleashed 6:23
5 Martyr of the Free Word 6:24
6 Chasing the Dragon 8:08
7 Presto 3:07
8 Never Enough 5:47
9 Stabat mater dolorosa 4:08
10 Twin Flames 5:02
CD #4
1 Serenade of Self‐Destruction 10:09
2 Orchestral Medley 7:52
3 The Divine Conspiracy (anniversary edition) 7:38
4 Delirium 6:10
5 Blank Infinity 5:03
6 The Obsessive Devotion 7:56
7 Retrospect 4:27
8 Battle of the Heroes & Imperial March 6:25
9 Quietus 3:59
10 The Phantom Agony 9:21
CD #5
1 Cry for the Moon 12:23
2 Sancta terra 5:49
3 Design Your Universe 11:09
4 Storm the Sorrow 5:42
5 Consign to Oblivion 9:43
6 Outrospect 3:57

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. Retrospect, Europe (08 Nov 2013), CD + CD + CD (English)
  2. Retrospect – 10th Anniversary, [Worldwide] (08 Nov 2013), Digital Media (English)
  3. Retrospect, Germany (11 Nov 2013), CD + CD + CD + DVD-Video + DVD-Video (English) 10th anniversary edition
  4. Retrospect – 10th Anniversary, Netherlands (11 Nov 2013), Digital Media (English)

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