The Chronicles of Gnarnia Gnarwolves

Release: 19 Feb 2014 Japan, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 15, Length: 30:55, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 "Party Jams" (from Fun Club, 2011) 1:48
2 "Decay" (from Fun Club, 2011) 2:16
3 "No Time For Old Bones" (from Fun Club, 2011) 1:29
4 "Reaper" (from Fun Club, 2011) 2:06
5 "Chlorine In The Jean Pule" (from Fun Club, 2011) 1:37
6 "History Is Bunk" (from CRU, 2012) 1:43
7 "We Want The Whip!" (from CRU, 2012) 1:49
8 "Community, Stability, Identity" (from CRU, 2012) 2:10
9 "A Gram Is Better Than A Damn" (from CRU, 2012) 1:47
10 "Oh, Brave New World" (from CRU, 2012) 2:01
11 "Coffee" (from CRU, 2012) 2:32
12 "Melody Has Big Plans" (from Funemployed, 2013) 2:50
13 "Tongue Surfer" (from Funemployed, 2013) 1:40
14 "Limerence" (from Funemployed, 2013) 2:47
15 "High On A Wire" (from Funemployed, 2013) 2:12

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. The Chronicles of Gnarnia, [Worldwide] (24 Feb 2014), (English)
  2. The Chronicles of Gnarnia, Germany (24 Feb 2014), Digital Media (English)

Links (1)

