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Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Sun & Moon Super Music Complete Various Artists

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 169, Length: 4:36:22, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
English localization


CD #1
1 Title Screen 1:48
2 An Adventure Is Beginning 0:37
3 Alola Region Theme 2:45
4 Escape! 1:13
5 Waking Up 0:17
6 My Home 1:30
7 Professor Kukui’s Theme 1:57
8 Route 1 on Melemele Island 2:01
9 Iki Town (Day) 2:51
10 Iki Town (Night) 3:24
11 Mahalo Trail 1:52
12 On the Bridge... 0:16
13 A Tapu Appears! 0:43
14 Lillie’s Theme 2:01
15 Caught a Pokémon! 0:07
16 Obtained an Item! 0:05
17 Hau's Theme 1:59
18 Battle! (Hau) 2:04
19 Obtained a Key Item! 0:06
20 Good Night 0:06
21 Battle! (Wild Pokémon) 2:04
22 Victory! (Wild Pokémon) 0:37
23 The Festival in Iki Town 2:18
24 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Trainer) 0:16
25 Battle! (Trainer) 2:54
26 Victory! (Trainer) 0:39
27 Level Up! 0:05
28 The Pokémon Research Lab 1:36
29 The Pokémon Center 1:33
30 Recovery 0:05
31 Have a Break at the Café 1:57
32 Received Poké Beans! 0:05
33 Festival Plaza (Day) 2:08
34 Festival Plaza (Night) 1:56
35 Level Up at Festival Plaza 0:08
36 A New Shop Is Open at Festival Plaza! 0:05
37 Fortune-Telling at Festival Plaza 0:09
38 Trade 0:55
39 A Mission at Festival Plaza 1:14
40 Festival Plaza Mission Results 0:32
41 Festival Plaza Mission Complete! 0:05
42 Festival Plaza Mission Failed... 0:06
43 Trainers' School 2:06
44 Obtained a TM! 0:07
45 Hau'oli City (Day) 1:44
46 Hau'oli City (Night) 2:08
47 Hurry Along 0:42
48 Poké Finder Updated! 0:05
49 Salon 1:25
50 Apparel Shop 1:31
51 Malasada Shop 1:31
52 Evolution 0:45
53 Evolution (Alola) 0:58
54 Ferry Terminal 1:39
CD #2
1 Route 2 on Melemele Island 2:38
2 Team Skull Appears! 2:20
3 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Skull) 0:17
4 Battle! (Team Skull) 2:53
5 Victory! (Team Skull) 0:39
6 Verdant Cavern—A Trial Site 1:52
7 A Captain’s Trial Begins! 3:05
8 A Totem Pokémon Appears! 0:31
9 Battle! (Totem Pokémon) 2:48
10 Victory! (Totem Pokémon) 0:41
11 Obtained a Z-Crystal! 0:19
12 Seaward Cave 2:29
13 Island Kahuna’s Theme 1:47
14 Battle! (Island Kahuna) 3:43
15 Victory! (Island Kahuna) 0:47
16 Registered a Ride Pokémon! 0:06
17 Ride Pokémon (Land) 2:10
18 Ten Carat Hill 2:26
19 On the Ship 1:41
20 Heahea City (Day) 1:45
21 Heahea City (Night) 1:56
22 Route 4 on Akala Island 1:59
23 Paniola Town (Day) 1:28
24 Paniola Town (Night) 1:58
25 Paniola Ranch 2:20
26 Gladion’s Theme 2:29
27 Battle! (Gladion) 2:35
28 Ride Pokémon (Aquatic) 1:50
29 Royal Avenue 1:42
30 Thrifty Megamart 2:32
31 Battle Royal Dome 2:04
32 Battle! (Battle Royal) 2:13
33 Battle Royal Results 0:56
34 Kiawe’s Trial 0:09
35 Mallow’s Trial 0:40
36 Poké Pelago (Day) 2:15
37 Poké Pelago (Night) 2:15
38 Poké Pelago Renovations Complete! 0:05
39 Burnet’s Lab 1:38
CD #3
1 Konikoni City (Day) 1:59
2 Konikoni City (Night) 2:28
3 Battle! (Team Skull Admin) 2:43
4 Aether Paradise 2:15
5 An Encounter 1:59
6 Lusamine’s Theme 1:59
7 The Entrance to Another World 0:25
8 Ultra Beasts...? 0:36
9 Battle! (Ultra Beast) 2:50
10 Malie City (Day) 2:12
11 Malie City (Night) 3:02
12 Route 10 on Ula'ula Island 2:23
13 Guzma’s Theme 1:52
14 Battle! (Team Skull Boss) 2:48
15 Aether House 2:14
16 Acerola’s Trial 2:33
17 Haina Desert 2:32
18 Po Town 2:39
19 Found a Z-Crystal! 0:07
20 Nanu’s Theme 2:29
21 Infiltration 1:57
22 The Secret Side of Aether Paradise 2:34
23 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Aether Foundation) 0:31
24 Battle! (Aether Foundation) 2:34
25 Aether Paradise Labs 1:13
26 Unsettling Atmosphere 1:36
27 There's Trouble! 1:47
28 A Crisis in Alola 1:02
29 Battle! (Lusamine) 3:11
30 Lillie’s Resolve 0:19
31 Lively Lillie! 1:52
32 Poké Finder Fully Updated! 0:06
33 Seafolk Village (Day) 2:08
34 Seafolk Village (Night) 2:32
35 Ancient Poni Path 2:16
36 The Protector of the Island 1:37
37 Vast Poni Canyon 2:34
38 To the Altar... 1:29
39 Solgaleo / Lunala Appears! 1:54
40 Let's Go to Ultra Space! 0:18
CD #4
1 Ultra Space 3:16
2 Lusamine’s Madness 1:16
3 Steely Lillie! 1:37
4 Lusamine’s Revenge 0:16
5 Showdown! (Lusamine) 2:56
6 Victory! (Aether Foundation) 0:33
7 A World Falls Apart 0:56
8 Mother and Daughter 0:47
9 Battle! (Solgaleo / Lunala) 3:17
10 Lonely Lillie 2:50
11 The Battle Tree 2:47
12 Blue’s Theme 1:31
13 Battle! (Battle Tree Boss) 2:53
14 The Path to the League 2:20
15 The Summit of Mount Lanakila 1:35
16 The Pokémon League 1:30
17 Battle! (Elite Four) 2:06
18 The Battle at the Summit! 3:46
19 A Champion Is Born! 1:39
20 Hall of Fame 1:36
21 Battle! (Tapu) 2:56
22 Gester’s Lesson 0:05
23 The Zygarde Cube 0:06
24 Someday... 1:47
25 Welcome Back 1:20
26 Staff Credits 5:32
27 The End 1:10
28 Special Demo Version Movie 0:33
29 Logo (Pokémon Sun) 0:06
30 Logo (Pokémon Moon) 0:07
31 Title Screen: Z-Ring Synchronized version 1:49
32 Alola Region Theme: Z-Ring Synchronized version 2:46
33 The Pokémon Center: Z-Ring Synchronized version 1:32
34 Battle! (Wild Pokémon): Z-Ring Synchronized version 2:20
35 Battle! (Trainer): Z-Ring Synchronized version 3:07
36 Battle! (Team Skull): Z-Ring Synchronized version 3:00

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon: Super Music Collection, [Worldwide] (30 Nov 2016), Digital Media (English)
  2. ニンテンドー3DS ポケモン サン・ムーン スーパーミュージック・コンプリート, Japan (30 Nov 2016), CD + CD + CD + CD (Japanese)