Sell Heal Holler Caroliner

Release: 1995 United States, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Vinyl, Tracks: 9, Length: 51:33, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Vinyl #1
A1 Fly Swarm Around The Angel Corpse 2:41
A2 Surgur Ax Smiths 8:13
A3 The Superfluous Snap Pipes The Veteran Lung 3:33
A4 My Buck's A Greased Gray Gift Given In Exchange For Passage Examination 4:26
A5 The Air Blasted Earth 5:39
B1 Horse Cannons 7:33
B2 Damsels In Short 5:24
B3 Sell Heal Holler 5:26
B4 The Cellar With The Intestinal Relief 8:38

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