RKO-2017 Complete Various Artists

Release: 2017 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 140, Length: 9:18:54, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Digital Media #1
1 R-Type Intro (AiO's Sunset Cruise mix) 2:22
2 Gerry the Germ 7 2:22
3 Ski Dance 2:57
4 Starquake 1:11
5 Batman the Caped Crusader (Reggaeton mix) 4:30
6 Tomcat 5:05
7 Hard Glide 4:12
8 Soft and Wet 4:25
9 Armalyte 3:59
10 Batman the Movie (Cathedral remix) 5:04
11 Batman the Movie (Chemical Factory remix) 5:18
12 Compilation 1 (Time) 3:11
13 Deep Waters 4:12
14 Delta (Delta Sector) 4:50
15 Galdregon's Domain 9:37
16 Hawkeye 4:55
17 Hercules Slayer of the Damned 5:54
18 Impossible Mission 2 (Stealth mix) 3:01
19 Project Firestart 4:42
20 Shiftrix 4:11
21 Strangeloop (Lost Spaceship) 4:33
22 Terra Cresta 3:43
23 Times of Lore 7:12
24 Chronos (ZX) - Title - A Tapestry of Time 4:48
25 Thrust - Modern Remix 6:25
26 Thrust Remix 6:25
27 Outrun - Magical Sound Shower Re-Remix 3:16
28 R-TYPE Title 4:26
29 The Chase (Sword of Honour) 4:22
30 The Great Giana Sisters Loader Tune 3:46
31 Armalyte (Marmite Rock mix) 2:07
32 Monty on the Run (Oliver Maass TV RMX) 4:57
33 Synth Sample (No Synths Allowed) 4:32
34 Robotdreams (Piratedreams mix) 0:57
35 Cybernoid 2 Theme (Spacesynth remix) 4:23
36 R-Type (fegolhuzz Synthwave remix) 3:19
37 Belagerung II 1:33
38 Commando Highscore 1:58
39 Pitfall II 1:55
40 Pitfall II (Crazy-Christian-Hessling-remix) 2:59
41 Hotrod (Intro Music) 4:21
42 Speedball (Intro Theme) 5:19
43 ACE II (Rock mix) 4:10
44 Hawkeye (ID MM - remix) 3:50
45 Lightforce (ID MM remix) 13:06
46 Ocean Reloader 4 (Ocean Loader 4 Cover) 3:00
47 Future Knight 3:22
48 Auf Wiedersehen Monty & Commando 8:22
49 Afterburner 3:04
50 Comic Bakery (Rockdance mix) 3:27
51 Crazy Comets (Cops and Robbers mix) 3:06
52 Cybernoid (The Blues Jam) 4:02
53 Ghosts and Goblins (Surf mix) 3:05
54 Green Beret vs Comic Bakery (Rock Salsa mix) 3:37
55 Thrust 4:28
56 Trojan Warrior 2:59
57 Nemesis the Warlock 6:25
58 Tetris in the Air 4:23
59 Gyroscope (Scare-O-Scope Halloween mix) 2:24
60 Creatures 2 (The Local disco mix) 3:52
61 Northstar (The Local North mix) 3:01
62 Turbo Charge (The Local Closest mix) 4:39
63 Turbo Charge (The Local Farthest mix) 4:17
64 Uridium (The Local LFO Knob mix) 3:24
65 Zak McBoulder (The Local Speakers Burn-In mix) 4:26
66 Vortex 3:12
67 Aztec Challenge (Hell on Earth mix) 2:45
68 Last Ninja 2 - Basement Loader (SID Overdrive mix) 4:40
69 Paperboy Wingroov Remix 3:29
70 Turrican 3 Shooter 4:29
71 Human Race 5:07
72 Last Ninja 2 - The Streets (Better Out Than in) 2:54
73 Batman the Caped Crusader (Son of Gotham remix) 3:59
74 Commando (Bitrunner Blues remix) 3:44
75 Stormbringer (Quasi-Classical remix) 3:59
76 Tusker Desert Tune - Metal Version 3:50
77 Advanced (Metal remix) 4:22
78 Powerhouse 4:35
79 The Human Race 3:28
80 Albedo 3:58
81 Artillery (demo music) 6:33
82 Last Mission 4:45
83 Nine Lives 6:44
84 Overlame 4:43
85 Plastic Pop 3:53
86 Sigma 7 3:58
87 Thrust 4:32
88 Ghouls n Ghosts (Subtune 8) 2:36
89 Monty on the Run 6:06
90 Amidor 1:58
91 Kidz in da Hood 3:20
92 Krypton 5:06
93 Usagi (Flute mix) 3:10
94 Rick Dangerous - Title 1:25
95 Spellbound Dizzy - Main Theme 2:01
96 M.U.L.E. (Mexico 86 mix) 1:30
97 Paperboy (Titus mix) 2:19
98 The Great Giana Sisters (Italia 90 mix) 1:49
99 Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Prog 'n Ghosts mix) 3:06
100 Bombo (Industrial mix) 3:22
101 Bombo (Suicide mix) 3:23
102 Cobra 3:33
103 Cobra (Dancing Snake remix) 3:35
104 Crazy Comets 4:29
105 Hawkeye (trance remix 2017) 7:29
106 Last Hero (remix) 3:05
107 Deflektor (Symphonic) 2:49
108 Elite Theme (Symphonic) 2:54
109 Rocket Ranger (medley) 4:05
110 Times of Lore (Subtune 1) 3:02
111 Usagi Yojimbo (Symphonic) 3:50
112 Zeta 7 (Symphonic) 2:34
113 Green Beret (Title Screen) 3:56
114 Human Race Vision 4:49
115 Last Ninja Inner Sanctum (Loader) 4:46
116 Last Ninja the Palace (Loader) 4:34
117 Parallax Fantasy 5:50
118 The Last Ninja Wilderness 4:39
119 Supremacy (Overprime mix) 4:38
120 The Last V8 3:50
121 The Wilderness (The Last Ninja Level 2) 4:35
122 Platoon Level 1 Combat Zone Jungle (remix) 4:15
123 Hypaball (Arok remix) 2:48
124 Hypa-Ball (Ausfahrt ist fuer alle da) 3:02
125 Tristessed Variations on a Harder (Undulled) Piano 3:03
126 Tristessed Variations on a Piano 3:03
127 Absence of Faith (Pitch Black remix) 3:52
128 Crazy Comets (A Slow Walk in the Park) 3:50
129 Krakout (The Muddy Chirp remix) 2:29
130 Max Headroom (Eight-Six-remake) 3:53
131 Sanxion (Get to tha Choppa remix) 2:57
132 Special Agent (Bits and Pieces) 4:08
133 Turbo Outrun (Oh No It's a Trap) 3:12
134 Spellbound (Rob Hubbard remake) 5:31
135 Complex Title 3:05
136 Mysteries 1:59
137 Nebulas 2:43
138 Slow Slower (Place in the Space mix) 2:50
139 Metal Tusker (Subtune 03) 4:54
140 Last Ninja Remix (Armakuni in New York) CleanUpMix 4:35

Links (1)

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  1. https://remix.kwed.org/