Robots vs. Knights OverClocked ReMix Competitions

Release: Jun 2017 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media, Tracks: 39, Length: 2:7:40, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Remix


Digital Media #1
1 Age & Alchemist (Plague Knight vs. Saturn) 3:09
2 Boulders Wreck Rapiers (Uranus vs. Propeller Knight) 3:02
3 For Hope and Shovelry (Shovel Knight vs. Ballade) 3:40
4 The Wanderer (Ballade vs. Shovel Knight) 1:19
Digital Media #2
1 Arctic Robot Dance Party (Enker vs. Polar Knight) 2:52
2 El Polar Enker (Polar Knight vs. Enker) 2:36
3 Fellow Knight (Shield Knight vs. Punk) 3:14
4 King of the Kuiper Belt (King Knight vs. Pluto) 3:24
5 Pridemoor Cat (Pluto vs. King Knight) 4:22
Digital Media #3
1 Battle to the Grave (Mercury vs. Spectre Knight) 2:43
2 Four Against One, Sounds Like Fun (Venus vs. Wandering Travelers) 2:47
3 The Siege of Venus (Wandering Travelers vs. Venus) 5:01
Digital Media #4
1 Armor Medley (Shield Knight vs. Wander Travelers vs. Plague Knight) 3:23
2 Lonely Cosmic Workshop - (Saturn vs. Tinker Knight) 2:39
3 Not So Deviant Ballade (Ballade vs. Tinker Knight) 3:17
4 Shovel Power (Shovel Knight vs. Tinker Knight) 4:11
5 Ghost in the Machine (Specter Knight vs. Tinker Knight) 3:33
6 Tinkering on Pluto (Pluto vs. Tinker Knight) 3:42
Digital Media #5
1 MachiNation (Ballade vs. King Knight) 3:34
2 Reclaiming the Pridemoor Throne (King Knight vs. Ballade) 3:24
3 Fighting with Some of Ur Anus (Uranus vs. Wandering Travelers) 3:58
4 Tiempo De La Pala (Wandering Travelers vs. Uranus) 3:30
5 The Dark Polar Side of Saturn (Polar Knight vs. Saturn) 2:32
Digital Media #6
1 Enker Discusses His Hatred of Mega Man with Specter Knight Over Coffee (Specter Knight vs. Enker) 3:48
2 Mansion Music (Enker vs. Specter Knight) 3:45
3 Plutonic Shield (Shield Knight vs. Pluto) 3:08
4 Problems Underlying Nocturnal Knights (Punk vs. Mole Knight) 3:26
Digital Media #7
1 Mercury to Great Heights (Mercury vs. Propeller Knight) 2:12
2 Digging into Memories (Shovel Knight vs. Venus) 4:30
3 Earth on Strike (Venus vs Shovel Knight) 2:53
Digital Media #8
1 Martian Fratricide (Knight Man vs. Mars) 4:21
2 Running Rings Around Knights (Knight Man vs. Saturn) 2:58
Digital Media #9
1 Get the King's Dance Floor Out (King Knight vs. Punk) 2:28
2 Spear & Shield (Shield Knight vs. Enker) 3:14
3 Trapped Inside (Shovel Knight vs. Mercury) 4:26
4 Rings and Scythes in Spaaaaace (Spectre Knight vs. Saturn) 3:21
5 Stranded on Uranus (Uranus vs. Polar Knight) 2:07
6 Night of the Moles (Venus vs. Mole Knight) 2:32
7 Cold Cyanide (Pluto vs. Plague Knight) 2:39

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