The Music Of Islām Various Artists

Release: 1998 Germany, Language: , Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 172, Length: 19:10:03, Barcode: 013711990720
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 Khatwet Habiby (Footsteps of my love) 4:00
2 El Helwa Dayer Shebbak (The beautiful girl in the window) 6:08
3 'Ūd Solo (An improvisation) 4:14
4 Ana Fi Entizarak Khalet (I got tired of waiting for you) 13:05
5 Nāy Solo (An improvisation on flute) 2:42
6 Samra Ya Samra (Oh you brown girl) 5:35
7 Qānūn Solo (An improvisation on the Egyptian boz zither) 2:50
8 Bint Al-Balad (Daughter of the country) 4:26
9 Țabalah Solo (An improvised drum solo) 3:45
10 Sāma'I Bayati (Al-Aryan) (Refering to an Egyptian scale) 6:22
11 Riqq Solo (An improvised solo on tambourine) 2:57
12 Habibi Wa Enaya (My darling, my dear) 6:46
CD #2
1 Ba'ad Al-'Asaha (After Dinner) 6:01
2 Fi Solam Al Taeira (On the Aircraft Steps) 3:01
3 Lala Todayeqoun Al-Tarfi (Do Not Bother al-Tarif) 4:35
4 Al Banat Metalemat (The Girls are Educated) 3:22
5 Ibnattan 'Arabiyattan (Arab Girl) 5:23
6 Mili 'Allaya Mili (Lean on Me, Lean) 5:33
7 Qasidah (Poem) 4:12
8 Ya Rim (Oh Gazelle) 5:00
9 Allah Ani Talabtak, Ma Talabt Al-Bakhil (God I Asked You) 3:49
10 Ya Warid Al-Ma, Asqini Sharaban (You Who are Going to the Water Hole) 4:29
11 Sid El 'Arab (Master of the Arabs) 3:12
12 Nartiji Wa Al-Raja Fi Allah (We hope in God) 2:52
13 Khelli Ya Khelli (Beloved Oh Beloved) 4:26
14 Gal Al Wada' (She Said Farewell) 3:38
15 Barhum Ya Barhum (Abraham, oh Abraham) 5:01
16 Ahlan Wa Sahlan (Welcome, Welcome) 3:38
CD #3
1 Al-Kartch 6:38
2 Folk Song 6:22
3 Nubian Rhythms 5:54
4 Zafa (The groom's wedding procession) 3:28
5 Popular Games 4:50
6 Al-Najimshad 10:09
7 Al-Soukh (At the market) 6:23
8 Salaam Ya 5:04
9 Al-Sayaddin (Fishermen) 6:28
10 Al-Tatha 8:00
11 Allah Musau 6:13
CD #4
1 Qum Na Dimi 7:32
2 Ish Lonak Ini 6:00
3 Taqsim I 3:45
4 Ya Gariya Khabirini 6:10
5 Al Hajr 7:17
6 Marou Alyaa El-Helwen 4:29
7 Taqsim 2 6:26
8 Bead Konto 6:45
9 Lama Bada Yatasana 3:49
10 Taqsim 3 5:55
11 Ya Helo Ya Abu El-Sedara 5:51
CD #5
1 Dikr, Part 1 11:26
2 Dikr, Part 2 9:12
3 Fatha 0:36
4 Dikr, Part 3 8:55
5 Invocation 0:39
6 'Ada, Part 1 17:54
7 'Ada, Part 2 7:31
CD #6
1 Scene Inauguration 14:53
2 Dikra Rebbania 40:33
3 Closing Music 11:01
CD #7
1 Ulad Bambara (The Sons of Bambara) 10:45
2 Yobati / Kalkani Bulila 6:41
3 'Ada 9:30
4 Buderbala / Buhala 8:56
5 Itchalaba Titara 12:58
6 Yomala 6:03
7 Mimuna 6:31
CD #8
1 Eshbehayn 8:55
2 Mkdam Sharki 9:15
3 Rashdayl 4:13
4 Esthlal 13:40
5 Times Mkdam Sharki 10:43
6 Rashdfa 7:29
7 Hijasoul (Chahshahachni) 11:11
8 Elhijaz 10:36
CD #9
1 Medley 7:22
2 Mawwal 1 4:34
3 Baba Salem 9:55
4 Leliri Ya Mana Lotfi Jormana 4:12
5 Hay Leli Leli / Ala Bab Souika 10:50
6 El Guelb Ely Yehwek 7:03
7 Mawwal 2 3:47
8 Dhaouit Ayemek / Ma Indich Zahar 10:19
9 Nemdah Laktab 6:57
CD #10
1 Na't-i Sherif 5:51
2 Nay Taksim (Nay improvisation) 3:40
3 Peshrev (Prelude) 2:59
4 Suzidilara Ayin 25:24
5 Kamanche Taksim (Kamanche improvisation) 1:40
6 Feeynema Tuvellu: Fesemme Vechullah (Wherever you turn you see God's Presence) 3:50
7 Suite in Segah: Part I, Peshrev (Prelude) - Part 2, Sol Cennetin Irmaklari Akar Allah Deyu Deyu (The river's of paradise flow saying "Allah Allah".) - Part 3, Ey Allahim Beni Senden Ayirma (O My God, do not separate me from you) - Part 4, Canim Kurban Olsun Senin Yoluna (Let my soul be sacrificed to your way) 12:50
8 Tanbour Taksim (Bowed tanbour improvisation) 1:58
9 Suite in Rast: Part I, Ka'benin Yollari (The ways of Ka'be) - Part 2, Ey Asik-I Dildade (Oh, beloved lover) - Part 3, Erler Demine Destur Alalim (Prayer for permission for whirling) - Part 4, Allahumme Salli Alel Mustafa (God's benediction for the Prophet) 14:07
CD #11
1 Ezan (Call to Prayer) 1:58
2 Fatiha (The Opening Chapter) 1:21
3 Baqara 1 (The Heifer) 3:05
4 Baqara 2 (During Ascension) 3:24
5 Furqan 12:51
6 Ya-Sin 20:27
7 Rahman (Most Gracious) 15:02
8 Hashr (The Banishment) 2:09
9 Asr (The Ages) 0:59
10 Ikhlas (Purity of Faith) 0:47
11 Falaq (The Dawn) 0:54
12 Nas (Mankind) 1:05
13 Tekbir (Unification) 1:37
CD #12
1 Ya Rabbat El-Husn (Oh Goddess of Beauty) 10:22
2 Taba'an Liqa (It Was Nice to Meet) 6:44
3 Ana Atarajjak (I Implore You) 6:44
4 Tabi' 'S-Samar (After the Nocturnal Enjoyment) 13:35
5 Leh Leh Wa-Hajiri (Why, Oh Why Are You Leaving Me) 8:42
6 Ya Sharikh El-Hawel (Oh, Young Shepherd) 11:14
7 Li-Llahi Ma Yahweh Hatha 'L-Maqam (Indeed, How Wonderful Is This Gathering). 9:38
CD #13
1 Tasnif-E Mahalli Kurdi 1:29
2 Tasnif-E Dashti 1:53
3 Avaz Shooshtari 5:15
4 Bedah-E Navazi Santur (impromptu on the santur) 12:42
5 Reng 3:07
6 Bedah-E Avaz / Tasnif-E Kurdi (Avaz improvisation) 19:21
7 Bedah-E Navazi Tombak (Improvisation on the tombak) 3:15
8 Tasnif-E Esfahan (Song to the Esfahan-Tune) 5:12
9 Tanif Va So'al Va Javab-E Kemenche 7:40
10 Farhang-E A'Vam 2:39
11 Gat-E Kurdi 1:55
CD #14
1 Raga Bairagi Bhairavi (Early Morning) 24:21
2 Raga Puriya Dhanashri (Early Evening) 25:00
3 Raga Yaman (Evening) 26:02
CD #15
1 Şem-i Rûhuna Cismimi Pervane Düşürdüm (My body is a moth drawn to the flame of your spirit.) 7:17
2 Ey ki Hezâr Aferin, Bu Nice Sultân Olur (Oh, the Creator of thousands of beings…) 2:24
3 Bahri Ummân Durriyem, Yerim Mekânım Kandedir (I am an ocean pearl, Where is my Home?) 2:34
4 Uyan Ey Gözlerim Gafletten Uyan (Wake up! O my eyes, waken from sleep.) 2:22
5 Ya Rabbi, Zâtın Sırrıdır Bu Gülleri Handân Eden (Oh my Lord, the secret of your Essence makes these roses smile.) 4:37
6 Çün Sana Gönlüm Mübtelâ Oldu (Because you have consumed my heart…) 2:20
7 Tekbir; Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber, Lâ İlâhe İllallah (God is the greatest, God is the greatest.) 3:56
8 Ya Hazreti Mevlânâ, Hakk Dost (Oh, our holy master Mevlana, beloved of God…) 8:17
9 Sultân-i Menî, Sultân-i Menî, Ender Dil-ü Cân İmân-ı Menî (My Sultan, my Sultan, I believe with my heart and soul…) 2:54
10 Hîz ki İmrûz Cihân Ân-ı Mast, Cân-ü Cıhân Sakı-vü Mıhmân-ı Mâst (The world is ours today; the soul is our cupbearer and the world our guest.) 2:30
11 Gelin Gidelim Allah Yoluna (Come, let us take God's path.) 3:27
12 Allah Emrin Tutalım - Rahmetine Batalım (We will carry out God's will and fall back upon his mercy.) 2:13
13 Alma Tenden Cânımı - Görmeden Cânânımı (Do not take my soul from my body, until I see my beloved.) 2:21
14 Sevelim Hazret-i Mavlana'yı (Let us revere Saint Mevlana.) 3:45
15 Et Allahım Beni Senden Ayırma (Ah, my God, do not separate me from you.) 2:23
16 Hor Bakma Sen Toprağa (Don't see the earth as despicable…) 4:29
17 Görmek İstersen Seni - Cân Içre Ara Cânı (If you seek yourself, look for your self in your soul.) 2:37
18 Velillahil Mesriku Vel Magrib, Feeynema Tuvellu Fesemme Vechullah (East or West, it all belongs to God; wherever you turn God is there.) 3:22
CD #16
1 Dendang Manangkok / Marindu Harimau 1 (Muslim prayer preceding a tiger-capturing song.) 5:22
2 Dendang Manangkok / Marindu Harimau 2 (A tiger-capturing song.) 6:31
3 Basosoh (Warring Rhythm played by tasa and dol drummers at a Takbuik [BM] [Tabut BI] ceremony.) 6:56
4 Matam (Matam [Ali Mahatam] Rhythm played by tasa and dol drummers processing down the street at a Tabuik ceremony.) 4:47
5 Maratapi Jari-Jari (Mourning the Hands.) 6:32
6 Dol-Tasa 1 (Drumming competition) 8:12
7 Dol-Tasa 2 (Drumming competition) 4:37
8 Dol-Tasa 3 (Drumming competition) 0:33
9 Dol-Tasa 4 (Drumming competition) 0:48
10 Rapai 1 (Improvised texts) 1:05
11 Rapai 2 (Improvised texts) 0:58
12 Rapai 3 (Improvised texts) 0:37
13 Rapai 4 (Improvised texts) 0:51
14 Indang Main Tali (Playing the Rope indang.) 3:09
15 Dabuih (BM), Dabud (BI) (excerpt from ceremony) 0:33
16 Dabuih (excerpt from ceremony) 2:47
17 Salawek Dulang: Lagu Meriam Penangkis (Song of the Canon Interceptor) 12:58
18 Salawek Dulang: Lagu Bolando Berangkek (The Dutch Leave) 8:48
CD #17
1 Ratep Maseukat 4:58
2 Pho 1:56
3 Seudati Inong 1 (Female Seudati) 6:20
4 Seudati Inong 2 9:24
5 Seudati Inong 3 8:38
6 Rapai Daboih 1 29:26
7 Rapai Daboih 2 3:09
8 Seudati 1 8:11
9 Seudati 2 3:23

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