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The Hero With a Thousand Faces Joseph Campbell read by Ralph Blum

Release: Nov 1995 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette + Cassette + Cassette + Cassette, Tracks: 8, Length: ?:??, Barcode: 9781559273305
Release type: Other - Compilation / Spokenword / Audiobook


Cassette #1
1 "Myth and Dream" / "Tragedy and Comedy" / "The Hero and the God" / "The Call to Adventure", Part 1 ?:??
2 "The Call to Adventure", Part 2 / "Supernatural Aid" / "The Crossing of the First Threshold" / "The Belly of the Whale" / "The Road of Trials" / "The Meeting With the Goddess", Part 1 ?:??
Cassette #2
1 "The Meeting With the Goddess", Part 2 / "Woman as the Temptress" / "Atonement With the Father" / "Apotheosis" / "The Ultimate Boon" / "Refusal of the Return", Part 1 ?:??
2 "Refusal of the Return", Part 2 / "The Magic Flight" / "Rescue From Without" / "The Crossing of the Return Threshold" / "Master of the Two Worlds" / "Freedom to Live" / "The Hero Today" ?:??
Cassette #3
1 Preface / "From Psychology to Metaphysics" / "The Hero and the God" / "The World Navel" / "The Universal Round", Part 1 ?:??
2 "The Universal Round", Part 2 / "Out of the Void—Space" / "Within Space—Life" / "The Breaking of the One Into the Manifold" / "Folk Stories of Creation" / "Mother Universe" / "Matrix of Destiny", Part 1 ?:??
Cassette #4
1 "Matrix of Destiny", Part 2 / "Womb of Redemption" / "Folk Stories of Virgin Motherhood" / "The Primordial Hero and the Human" / "Childhood of the Human Hero" / "The Hero as Warrior" / "The Hero as Lover" / "The Hero as Emperor and as Tyrant", Part 1 ?:??
2 "The Hero as Emperor and as Tyrant", Part 2 / "The Hero as World Redeemer" / "The Hero as Saint" / "Departure of the Hero" / "End of the Microcosm" / "End of the Macrocosm" / "The Keys" / "The Function of Myth, Cult, and Meditation" / "The Hero Today" ?:??

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. The Hero With a Thousand Faces, United States (13 Jan 2001), CD + CD + CD + CD + CD (English)

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