The Swedish Disaster 84-85- Sound of Disaster

Release: Jun 1998 Bulgaria, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 30, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Cassette #1
A1 Tänk Realistiskt (Think Realistic) ?:??
A2 Let the Animals Live ?:??
A3 Lagar & Förordningar (Laws & Decrees) ?:??
A4 Sista Striden (The Last Fight) ?:??
A5 B.S.S. - K.S.S. ?:??
A6 I Don't Want ?:??
A7 Besides My Head ?:??
A8 Nonchalerad Svält (Non-Attended Starvation) ?:??
A9 Statsmanipulation (Statemanipulation) ?:??
A10 Styrd Värld (Ruled World) ?:??
A11 Religösa Fanatiker (Religious Fanatics) ?:??
A12 Moral ?:??
A13 I Don't Want ?:??
A14 Framtid (Future) ?:??
A15 B.S.S. - K.S.S. ?:??
B1 Soldat (Soldier) ?:??
B2 Tänk Realistiskt (Think Realistic) ?:??
B3 Välfärd (Prosperity) ?:??
B4 Tänk Realistiskt ?:??
B5 Besides My Head ?:??
B6 I Don't Want ?:??
B7 Soldat ?:??
B8 Utredning ?:??
B9 Välfärd ?:??
B10 Lagar & Förordningar ?:??
B11 Framtid ?:??
B12 Let the Animals Live ?:??
B13 Church Want Power ?:??
B14 Hjärndöda ?:??
B15 B.S.S. ?:??

Links (1)

